Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment Hearing and Meeting Calendar

Displayed below are brief descriptions of each meeting and hearing scheduled to take place today, and on days thereafter. The time and location of each meeting/hearing is identified. Meetings that have been canceled or postponed are also noted.

Legend - Color green is today, color purple is for ZC and color orange is gor BZA.

Today   ZC   BZA  

Jun 2021

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
21-06 FC 111 N ST SE, LLC The hearing from the above case concluded with the Commission approving final action by a vote of 5-0-0 (Miller/May). They also approved a Summary Order to be issued; the Applicant will provide a draft within two weeks

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
21-06 FC 111 N ST SE, LLC

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-26A Office of Zoning The hearing for the above case (DCOZ – Text Amendment to Extend Administrative Time Extensions from April 27-December 31, 2021) had final action taken by a vote of 5-0-0 (Miller/Shapiro).

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:15 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-24 Office of Planning The hearing was opened and Chairman Hood announced that OP requested, and it was granted, a postponement to July 1st @ 4:00 p.m

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20477 Bentley Hamilton Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 14, 2021 through Webex.
20473 Michael W. Smith Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on June 30, 2021 through Webex.
20389 Application of Samuel Medeiros and Jessica Ellis Postponed to Virtual Public Hearing on July 28, 2021
20454 Application of 4243 Benning, LLC Postponed to Virtual Public Hearing on June 23, 2021
20466 Application of Dan Mickelson Approved
20361 Application of G3, LLC Scheduled for Virtual Public Meeting June 16, 2021; record closed except for documents requested
20450 Application of John and Katie Durcan Approved
20476 District Restoration Company, LLC Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 14, 2021 through Webex.
20445 Application of 106 13th Street, LLC Approved
20475 Amy Titus Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 14, 2021 through Webex.
20443 Application of Georgetown 29K Acquisitions, LLC Approved with one condition
20451 Application of Mount Vernon Development Group, LLC Approved with condition
19616A Thomas Jefferson Real Estate, LLC Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on June 30, 2021 through Webex.
20448 Application of Jonathan Gillespie

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20474 Application of Christopher and Jennifer Leonardo Rescheduled to June 30, 2021 Public Meeting

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Closed Meeting

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
Public Meeting
20-02 Office of Planning Approved 5-0-0 (Shapiro/Miller) for final action
20-23 LDP Acquisitions, LLC & 525 Rhode Island Avenue LP Approved 5-0-0 (Hood/May) for final action
21-04 Office of Planning Approved 5-0-0 (Hood/Shapiro) revised emergency rulemaking & proposed action for a 7-day comment period
15-24B JBG/6th Street Associates, LLC & Gallaudet University Approved 5-0-0 (Shapiro/May) for set down as a contested case
21-01 Office of Planning Approved 5-0-0 (Turnbull/May) for final action
12-08D Office of Planning Approved 5-0-0 (Turnbull/Hood) for set down as a rulemaking case
19-29 UM 1348 4th Street NE, LLC No Consensus for Set Down; deferred for more information
19-19A Terrace Manor Redevelopment LP Approved 5-0-0 (Turnbull/Miller) for final action
08-34L Capitol Crossing III, LLC & Capitol Crossing IV, LLC Approved 5-0-0 (Miller/May) for set down as a contested case

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-12 Westminster Presbyterian Church, Westminster Community Partners, Bozzuto Development Company & Bozzuto Homes, Inc. The hearing for the above case was continued to October 4th at 4:00 p.m. The record is still open; the time period for party status requests has passed so none shall be accepted. The Applicant was directed to file an updated prehearing statement that addresses the new Comp Plan. In addition, OP was asked to file a supplemental report
20-12 Westminster Presbyterian Church, Westminster Community Partners, Bozzuto Development Company & Bozzuto Homes, Inc.

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20482 KAJ Ventures, LLC Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 21, 2021 through Webex.
20410 Mama Lucias of Chevy Chase, LLC Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 14, 2021 through Webex.
20458 Application of Washington International School Scheduled for Public Meeting June 23, 2021; Record closed except for documents requested
20382 Application of Haider Haimus and Jessica Bachay Granted Postponement to Public Hearing June 23, 2021
20456 Application of 1002 Rhode Island, LLC Approved
20461 Application of Alvaro Vasquez and Meredith Hutchinson Approved
20462 Application of Heather Williams and David Riches Approved
20442 Application of Paul DeYoung Rescheduled for Public Hearing on July 14, 2021
20478 Taliza Bins Johnson Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 21, 2021 through Webex.
20480 Joseph Pigg Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 14, 2021 through Webex.
20479 Joseph Pigg Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 14, 2021 through Webex.
20409 Application of Joseph and Elizabeth Lunsford Withdrawn
20433 Application of Prime Realty, LLC Approved
20339 Application of Lee Street Development LLC Public Hearing Continued to a date to be determined; documents requested

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20361 Application of G3, LLC Denied

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-33 University of the District of Columbia The hearing concluded yesterday with the record open until 3 p.m. on July 16th for the Applicant to make additional submissions along with a draft order; the ANC has until 3 p.m. on July 23rd to provide a response if it chooses to do so; and it is anticipated the Commission will consider final action at their July 26th public meeting

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20400 Application of GREEN ST APTS, LLC Public Meeting September 22, 2021
20425 Application of 616 Quebec Place NW, LLC Continued Hearing September 22, 2021
20463 Application of 4524 Iowa Avenue DC, LLC Approved
20465 Application of Patrick O’Rourke Approved
20471 Application of Ziad Demian and Merrill St Leger-Demian Approved
20468 Application of Bridgitte Rawlings Withdrawn
20464 Application of 3200 Penn Ave PJV, LLC Approved
20467 Application of Geoff Anderson and Harriet Tregoning Postponed to Virtual Public Hearing on July 28, 2021
20454 Application of 4234 Benning, LLC Postponed to Virtual Public Hearing September 22, 2021
20382 Application of Haider Haimus and Jessica Bachay Public Meeting July 14, 2021; Record closed except for requested documents
20333 Application of Matthew Pickner Approved

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20458 Application of Washington International School Limited Scope Hearing July 21, 2021; Record closed except for requested documents

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Closed Meeting

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
Public Meeting Various Agenda Items
20-27 High Street District Development, Inc Approved 5-0-0 (May/Miller) for final action
21-01 Office of Planning Approved 5-0-0 (Hood/Miller) to rescind final action and approved 4-0-1 for final action.
21-02 Office of Planning Approved 5-0-0 (Miller/Turnbull) for proposed action
20-23 LDP Acquisitions, LLC & 525 Rhode Island Avenue LP Approved 5-0-0 (Hood/Miller) to rescind final action and approved 4-0-1 for final action.
21-10 Office of Planning Approved 5-0-0 (May / Shapiro) for set down as a rulemaking case

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
21-05 Office of Planning The hearing for the above case will continue on October 7th as the 2nd hearing for the day. The Commission wants OP to reach out to some groups and ANCs that usually make submissions on Text Amendments. OP should then file a supplemental report by October 4th

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20348 51 Friendship Development Partners, LLC Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 28, 2021 through Webex.
20486 Application of Tracey and David Cronlund Approved
20483 1219 Simms Place NE, LLC Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 14, 2021 through Webex.
20354 Cambridge Holdings, LLC Administratively rescheduled to a Virtual Public Hearing on July 28, 2021 through Webex.
20440 Application of GREEN 2336, LLC Scheduled for decision - Public Meeting on August 4, 2021; Record closed except for documents requested
20470 Application of 3218 Walbridge Place, LLC Approved
20473 Application of Michael W. Smith Approved
20469 Application of Daniel Hogenkamp Scheduled for decision - Public Meeting on August 4, 2021; Record closed except for documents requested
19616A Application of Thomas Jefferson Real Estate, LLC Approved with conditions
20280 Application of VBS Community Builders LLC Postponed to Public Hearing on August 4, 2021; Record open
20435 Application of 2015 Jackson St 2019, LLC Postponed to September 29, 2021

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20474 Application of Christopher and Jennifer Leonardo Approved