Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment Hearing and Meeting Calendar

Displayed below are brief descriptions of each meeting and hearing scheduled to take place today, and on days thereafter. The time and location of each meeting/hearing is identified. Meetings that have been canceled or postponed are also noted.

Legend - Color green is today, color purple is for ZC and color orange is gor BZA.

Today   ZC   BZA  

Jun 2020

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20219 Julia Garrison Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 @ 9:30 am
20241 Jerry Thomas Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 @ 9:30 am
20229 David and Grace Kelly Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 @ 9:30 am
20210 Hadell and Fannie Callands Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 @ 9:30 am
20218 Gwendolyn Keita Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 @ 9:30 am
20224 Brittney Etheridge Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 @ 9:30 am
20196 Sonia Ahmed and Farzaam Esmaeilian Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 at 9:30 am
20217 Tricia Jefferson Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 @ 9:30 am
20242 IDI Water Street, L.C Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 @ 9:30 am
20244 1777 Bond Street Equities LLC and Columbia Road of DC LLC Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 at 9:30 am
20223 Bernard Berry Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on June 10, 2020 9:30 am
20213 Jake Greenhouse Scheduled Limited Scope Continued Hearing on June 24, 2020 at 10:00

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
06-10E CONSENT CALENDAR: The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation - PUD Mod. of Consequence @ Sq. 3765 & 3767 Approved 5-0-0.
19-18 HEARING ACTION: Belmont Crossing Partners, LLC - Map Amendment @ Sq. 6208 Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a contested case
20-09 HEARING ACTION: Wagner, LLC - Consolidated PUD & Map Amendment @ Sq. 5740 Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a contested case
20-07 FURTHER DELIBERATIONS: Office of Zoning - Text Amendment to Subtitles Y &Z to Extend the Validity of Approvals - Second Emergencvy Action & Request for Immediate Publication of Second Proposed Action Approved 5-0-0 second emergency action and immediate publication of second proposed action
06-12S HEARING ACTION: George Washington University - 1st-Stage PUD Mod. of Significance. & 2nd-Stage PUD @ Sq. 57 Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a contested case
05-28Y CONSENT CALENDAR: Parkside Residential, LLC - PUD Mod. of Consequence @ Sq. 5056 (Determination) Determined to be a Mod. of Consequence and scheduled responses by 6/22; deliberation on 6/29

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20223 Bernard Berry Approved
20217 Tricia Jefferson Approved
20219 Julia Garrison Approved
20210 Hadell and Fannie Callands Approved
20218 Gwendolyn Keita Approved
20224 Brittney Etheridge Approved
20241 Jerry Thomas Approved
20242 IDI Water Street, L.C Approved with conditions
20244 1777 Bond Street Equities LLC and Columbia Road of DC LLC Approved with conditions
20196 Sonia Ahmed and Farzaam Esmaeilian Approved
20229 David and Grace Kelly Approved

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20221 Chain Bridge Road/University Terrace Preservation Committee Decision on Motion to Dismiss scheduled for Virtual Public Meeting on June 17, 2020 Pending decision on motion - Hearing of merits tentatively scheduled for Virtual Public Hearing on July 1, 2020
20226 Michael Yates Decision scheduled for Virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20233 Erin Carroll Scheduled for decision at virtual Public Meeting on June 24, 2020
20178 Murat Kayali Scheduled for decision at virtual Public Meeting on June 24, 2020
20163 719 SIXTH ST LLC Scheduled for decision at virtual Public Meeting on June 24, 2020
20054 Rupsha 2011 LLC Scheduled for decision at virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020
20230 3232 13TH ST NW LLC Scheduled for decision at virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020
20231 Bernard Veuthey and Cora M. Shaw Scheduled for decision at virtual Public Meeting on June 24, 2020
20198 Mehmet Ogden Scheduled for decision at virtual Public Meeting on June 24, 2020
20209 Uzoma Ogbuokiri Scheduled for decision at virtual Public Meeting on June 24, 2020
20240 Schmidt Development, LLC Scheduled for decision at virtual Public Meeting on June 24, 2020

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20221 Chain Bridge Road/University Terrace Preservation Committee Appeal dismissed

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-07 Office of Zoning - Text Amendment to Subtitles Y and Z to Extend Validity of Approvals Due to COVID-19 Pandemic The public hearing was completed. The Secretary noted that the Commission had previously taken proposed action and now the case record would open to the public for a 30-day comment period starting Friday June 19th The Commission is expected to take final action on the case at it July 27th public meeting

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
17-05B 2100 2nd Street, SW, LLC - Capitol Gateway Design Review Mod. of Significance @ 2121 1st Street, S.W. (Sq. 613, Lot 10) The hearing for the above case (2100 2nd Street SW, LLC – CG Design Review Modification of Significance @ Square 613) concluded this evening with the record left open for the Applicant to provide additional information by 3:00 p.m. on July 6th. The ANC has until 3:00 p.m. on July 14th to provide a response, if it chooses to do so. The Applicant’s draft order would also be due by 3:00 p.m. on July 14th. It is anticipated the Commission will consider Final Action at their July 27th public meeting.

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
19-17 Atlas MLK, LLC & 3715 MLK, LLC - Map Amendment @ 3703, 3705, 3707, 3715 MLK Jr. Ave., SE (Sq. 6070, Lots 50, 51, 52, and 48) The hearing for the above case (Atlas MLK, LLC & 3715 MLK, LLC – Map Amendment @ Square 6070) concluded this evening. The record was left open for specific requests only until 3:00 p.m. on July 7th, with responses from the ANC due by 3:00 p.m. on July 14th. The Applicant’s draft order is also due on July 14th. It is anticipated the Commission will consider proposed action at their July 27th public meeting.

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20069 Deidra Barksdale Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on July 15, 2020
20053 District Properties.com Inc Rescheduled for hearing - Virtual Public Hearing on July 22, 2020
19984 Rupsha 2011 LLC Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020
20225 Rula Malky Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020
20227 Andrew Lewcyzk Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020
20235 Bryant Phase 1-E, LLC Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020
20236 Bryant Phase 1-B, LLC Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020
20205 Christopher Cahill Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020
20237 Timothy Holtz Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020
20213 Jake Greenhouse Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on July 1, 2020

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20209 Uzoma Ogbuokiri Approved
20240 Schmidt Development, LLC Approved
20163 719 SIXTH ST LLC Approved
20233 Erin Carroll Approved
20178 Murat Kayali Approved
20231 5022 Cathedral, LLC Approved
20198 Mehmet Ogden Approved
20191 DC for Reasonable Development Denied Appellant's Motion for Summary Affirmance Denied Appellant's Motion to Strike Denied Appellant's Motion for In-Person Hearing Held in Abeyance Motion to Dismiss Scheduled for Virtual Hearing August 5, 2020

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
19-24 Children's National - Text Amendment to Subtitle K The hearings for the above cases concluded last night with the Commission taking proposed action to approve both (see below). The records were left open for a combined draft order, due by 3:00 p.m. on July 9th. It is anticipated Final Action will be considered at the September 14th public meeting. 19-24 (Children’s National @ Walter Reed – Text Amendment to Subtitle K): approved proposed action 5-0-0 (Miller/Shapiro) 19-24A (Children’s National @ Walter Reed – Map Amendment @ Square 2950): approved proposed action 5-0-0 (Hood/Miller)

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
19-24A Children's National - Map Amendment @ Square 2950 The hearings for the above cases concluded last night with the Commission taking proposed action to approve both (see below). The records were left open for a combined draft order, due by 3:00 p.m. on July 9th. It is anticipated Final Action will be considered at the September 14th public meeting. 19-24 (Children’s National @ Walter Reed – Text Amendment to Subtitle K): approved proposed action 5-0-0 (Miller/Shapiro) 19-24A (Children’s National @ Walter Reed – Map Amendment @ Square 2950): approved proposed action 5-0-0 (Hood/Miller)

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-05 FINAL ACTION - Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Subtitle K, Chapter 8, to the Use Requirements of the Arts Zones Approved 5-0-0
66-68A HEARING ACTION: Enterprise Community Development, Inc. - PUD Mod. of Significance @ Sq. 3630 Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a contested case
15-19 CORRESPONDENCE: 411 New York Avenue Holdings, LLC - Request to Extinguish PUD Approved 5-0-0
16-11 PRELIMINARY MATTERS: Parkview Community Partners & the District of Columbia - Discussion of Next Steps re: DCCA Remand The Commission concurred with OAG’s draft procedural order which will allow the parties (and only the parties) to the case to submit written comments limited to the issues the court raised in the remand (with no responses to the comments permitted) by 3:00 p.m. on Fri,. July 31st. The Commission will review the remand and the parties’ comments and decide how to proceed.
05-28Y CONSENT CALENDAR: Parkside Residential, LLC - PUD Mod. of Consequence @ Sq. 5056 (Deliberation) Approved 5-0-0