Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment Hearing and Meeting Calendar

Displayed below are brief descriptions of each meeting and hearing scheduled to take place today, and on days thereafter. The time and location of each meeting/hearing is identified. Meetings that have been canceled or postponed are also noted.

Legend - Color green is today, color purple is for ZC and color orange is gor BZA.

Today   ZC   BZA  

May 2020

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-05 Office of Planning: Text Amendment to Subtitle K, Chapter 8, to the Use Requirements of the Arts Zones (1st Case) The hearing for this case concluded with the Commission taking proposed action to approve it by a vote of 5-0-0 (Miller/Shapiro).

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-04 Text Amendment re; Capitol Gateway Zone (2nd Case) The hearing for this case concluded with the Commission taking proposed action to approve it by a vote of 5-0-0 (May/Turnbull).

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20270 753 Columbia Road NW, LLC Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.
20254 The Government of the Republic of the Zambia Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.
20203 Congressional 1018 Bryant LLC Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.
20263 Gilbert Garcia Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.
20272 757 Columbia Road NW, LLC Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.
20269 Harold Tran Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.
20271 755 Columbia Road NW, LLC Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
19557A Government of the Commonwealth of Australia Not disapproved
19629 Board to Reopen Record and Clarify Relief Matter deferred to virtual Public Meeting on May 27, 2020 on WebEx
19683 Board to Reopen Record and clarify Relief Matter deferred to virtual Public Meeting on May 27, 2020 on WebEx
19134C The Embassy of Zambia Decision deferred to virtual Public Meeting on May 27, 2020 on WebEx
20201 DC Superpack LLC Application denied
20183 The Residences of Columbia Heights, a Condominium Appeal denied / ZA Affirmed

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-01 Office of Planning - Waterfront Regulations Approved 4-0-1 for final action.

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-02 Office of Planning - Concept Hearing: Expanded Inclusionary Zoning Public Hearing suspended until further notice. Please check OZ website, ZC calendar, and Case Exhibit Log for rescheduled date.

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
19-30 HEARING ACTION: ANC 5D - Map Amendment to Add Square 4494, Lot 827 (a small lot inadvertantly left off of the application at setdown) Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a rulemaking case
20-06 HEARING ACTION: Felice Development Group - 1st-Stage and Consolidated PUDs and Related Map Amendment @ Squares 1025E & 1048S and Reservations 129 & 299 Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a contested case
04-08/02-45 CORRESPONDENCE: Memorandum from OAG re: Request for Amendment to PUD Covenant Approved 5-0-0
19-21 PROPOSED ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Subtitles D, E, and U (Roof Top or Upper Floor Elements) Approved 5-0-0
06-46B CORRESPONDENCE: Zoning Administrator Determination pursuant to Subtitle A Section 304.5 (also applies to 06-46C to 06-46E) Acknowledged
80-07C TIME EXTENSION: Jemals Darth Vader, LLC - Two-Year PUD Time Extension @ Sq. 563 Approved 5-0-0
19-14 FINAL ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Subtitles C, D, E, and X - Nonconforming Structures Approved 5-0-0
17-05C CONSENT CALENDAR: 2100 2nd Street SW, LLC - Design Review Mod. of Consequence @ Sq. 613 (Determiination) Approved 5-0-0
20-10 HEARING ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Subtitle U, Chapters 510 & 516, MU Use Groups D and E, Fast Food Establishments and Prepared Food Shops Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a rulemaking case
20-11 HEARING ACTION: Office of Zoning - Text Amendment to Subtitles Y and Z re: VIrtual Hearings (emergency action, immediate publication of proposed rulemaking, and setdown) Approved 5-0-0 for emergency action, immediate publication of NOPR, and setdown as a rulemaking with the changes discussed
20-06 Felice Development Group

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20274 MQMF 1313 L Street LLC Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.
20191 DC for Reasonable Development Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates. Appellant's Request to Postpone for In-Person Hearing - Scheduled for Virtual Public Meeting on May 27, 2020
20273 Catherine Ford Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.
20276 Quadrum DC, LLC Public Hearing cancelled until further notice. Please check the OZ Website, BZA Calendar and Case Exhibits Log for Rescheduled dates.

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
19683 Board reopened record, rescinded vote from 2018, dismissed Subtitle E-201.1, denied application.
19629 Board reopened record, rescinded vote from 2018, and Denied application.
19618B Hillsdale College Approved Minor Modification
19794A Scott Giering Approved time extension
19134C The Embassy of Zambia Modification of Consequence - Not Disapproved
20191 DC for Reasonable Development Appellant's Request to Postpone for In-Person Hearing - Decision deferred to Virtual Public Meeting on June 24, 2020 Scheduled decision on Preliminary Matters (Motions to Dismiss) at June 24, 2020 Meeting.