Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment Hearing and Meeting Calendar

Displayed below are brief descriptions of each meeting and hearing scheduled to take place today, and on days thereafter. The time and location of each meeting/hearing is identified. Meetings that have been canceled or postponed are also noted.

Legend - Color green is today, color purple is for ZC and color orange is gor BZA.

Today   ZC   BZA  

Nov 2019

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20111 Postponed from November 6, 2019 to the Public Hearing of December 11, 2019
20138 Joyce Cowan Approved
20137 WH Development Approved
20140 Todd Vassar and Bryant Hall Approved
20044 Withdrawn
20114 Approved w/ 1 condition
20072 Dismissed as untimely
20139 716 L ST SE LLC Approved w/ conditions

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20026 Arboretum Neighborhood Association
20026 Dismissed for lack of jurisdiction
13540A Approved

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
19-14 Office of Planning - Text Amendment re: Non-Conforming Structures The hearing was completed and the record is closed except for what the Commission has requested. OP’s response is due Monday November 25th, the ANC responses are due by Monday January 6th (and all ANCs may submit a response), and the Commission will consider the case for proposed action at its January 13th public meeting.

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20134 Approved w/ conditions
20132 Postponement denied. Appeal denied.
20078 Sig LLC Postponed from November 13, 2019 to Public Hearing of January 15, 2020
20069 Deidra Barksdale Postponed from November 13 to public hearing of January 29, 2020
20141 Dorothy Douglas Postponed from November 13, 2019 to November 20, 2019
20143 Grand Realty LLC Postponed from November 13 to Public Hearing of November 20, 2019
20144 David Barth and Lisa Kays Postponed from November 13, 2019 to Public Hearing of January 15, 2020

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
19572 Approved w/ conditions

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

xx-xx Closed Meeting

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
19-24 HEARING ACTION: Children's National at Walter Reed, LLC - Text & Map Amendments to SubtitleK, Chapter 9 to Create the WR-9 & WR-10 Zones and Map Square 2950 Approved 5-0-0 for setdown only of the text amendment (without the affordable housing exemption) in Case No. 19-24 as a rulemaking, with the proposed affordable housing exemption to be included as an alternative for the Commission to consider at the pubic hearing. Also, in the same vote, provisionally approved setdown of the map amendment as a contested case, to be Case No. 19024A, contingent upon receipt of the new application, including the notice of intent and fee.
16-06C CONSENT CALENDAR: Jemal/PTM Lazriv Water, II - Design Review Modification of Consequence @ Square 666 (Deliberation) Approved 5-0-0
10-03D HEARING ACTION: H Street Residential, LLC - PUD Modification of SIgnificance @ Square 912 Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a contested case (with a waiver of the 35-day rule by consensus).
11-15J CONSENT: CALENDAR: Howard University - Modification of Consequence to Z.C Order No. 11-15F (extraction of properties from Campus Plan) @ Square 2877 (Deliberation) Approved 5-0-0
19-10 FINAL ACTION: Valor Development, LLC - Consolidated PUD @ Square 1499 Denied 5-0-0 Applicant's motion to strike CRD's new shadow study. Granted 5-0-0 Applicant's motion to respond to CRD's new shadow study. The Applicant will respond to the shadow study by 3:00 November 25th,, only the parties may respond to the Applicant's submission by 3:00 Monday December 2nd , and case will be considered for final action on December 9th..
15-13C CONSENT CALENDAR: 1309 E Street, LLC - PUD Modification of Consequence @ Square 1043 (Determination) Approved 5-0-0
15-27D CONSENT CALENDAR: CP Market Terminal, LLC - PUD Modification @ Square 3587 (Deliberation) Approved 5-0-0
19-27 HEARING ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Subtitles D, E, and F - Zoning Reorganization Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a rulemaking with the Commission's comments.
xx-xx STATUS REPORT: Office of Planning - Inclusionary Zoning Plus and the Future Land Use Map OP provided a status report on IZ and the Future Land Use Map. The discussion took place at the end of the meeting and can be accessed through the meeting video on our website.
19-26 HEARING ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Subtitles C, G, K, X, and Z to Align Covenant Text Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a rulemaking.
11-15J Howard University
05-28V Lano Parcel 12, LLC
05-28V TIME EXTENSIONS: Lano Parcel 12, LLC - Two-Year PUD Time Extension @ Square 5055 Waived the rules regarding the limit of time extensions to tow and approved the time extension request 5-0-0 with OP's conditions..
15-13C 1309 E Street, LLC
16-06C Jemal/PTM Lazriv Water, II
15-27D CP Market Terminal, LLC
19-22 CONSENT CALENDAR: MR 622 EYE STREET LAND, LLC - Three-Year Extension of Combined Lot Development Covenant per Subtitle I Section 805.14 @ Square 453 Approved 5-0-0

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20065 Dilan Investments, LLC Postponed from November 20, 2019 to January 29, 2020
20149 George Ingram and Lynn Hart Approved
20148 John Coplen Approved
20147 Christopher Lobb and Paola Barbara Approved
20146 Caeser Junker Approved
20145 Andy &Courtney Briggs Approved
20142 746 IRVING ST LLC Approved
20141 ANC 7D (formerly Dorothy Douglas) Scheduled for Decision Meeting on December 18, 2019
20143 Grand Realty LLC Limited Continued Hearing on December 18, 2019
20150 Kenyon 7 LLC (formerly Arnetta and Leon Scales) Approved.
20156 Mysa School, Inc. Approved with conditions
20004 Limited Continued Hearing on December 11, 2019

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
12-08C Office of Planning - Text Amendments to Subtitle K to Increase Permitted FAR, Clarify Lot Occupancy Limits, Reflect New Street Names and Alignments, and to Transfer Preferred Use Requirements within St. Elizabeths East Zones Approved proposed action 5-0-0.

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
14-12E Clarion Gaables Multifamily, LP and EAJ 1309 5th Street, LLC - Second-Stage PUD for 1309 5th Street N.E. (Square 3591, Lots 808, 809, and 7020-7033 The hearing for the above case (Clarion Gables Multifamily Trust, LP & EAJ 1309 5th Street, LLC – 2nd-Stage PUD @ Square 3591) concluded last night. The Commission asked the Applicant to provided some additional information by 3:00 p.m. on December 16th, with responses from the ANC, OP, and DDOT (if they choose to do so) by 3:00 p.m. on December 23rd. Draft Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law are due by 3:00 p.m. on December 31st. It is anticipated the Commission will consider Final Action at their January 13th public meeting.