Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment Hearing and Meeting Calendar

Displayed below are brief descriptions of each meeting and hearing scheduled to take place today, and on days thereafter. The time and location of each meeting/hearing is identified. Meetings that have been canceled or postponed are also noted.

Legend - Color green is today, color purple is for ZC and color orange is gor BZA.

Today   ZC   BZA  

Oct 2020

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-14 VNO South Capitol, LLC & Three Lots in Square 649, LLC The case was continued to Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 4:00 pm.

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-03 Office of Planning The hearing for the above case concluded with the Commission taking proposed action to approve the case by a vote of 5-0-0 (Turnbull/Shapiro). It is anticipated the Commission will consider final action at their November 19th public meeting (contingent on the proposed rulemaking being published).

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
xx-xx Special Public Meeting - Update on the Comprehensive Plan

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20280 VBS Community Builders LLC Postponed to Virtual Hearing on October 28, 2020 through Webex
20283 Keena Trapps Approved
20282 Spectrum Builders Group LLC Postponed to Virtual Hearing of October 28, 2020 through Webex
20277 Gary and Lauren Hudson Approved
20278 Approved
20291 2100 M Street Property Owner LLC Approved
20186 Elisabeth Hando Scheduled for Decision - Virtual Public Meeting on October 28, 2020; Record Closed except for Documents Requested

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20285 Removed from Expedited Review Calendar & Scheduled for Virtual Public Hearing on October 14, 2020 through Webex
19739-A Ben Safran and Margot Locker Approved 2 year Time Extension

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-17 Office of Planning The hearing for the above case concluded. The Commission took another emergency action and amended the proposed action to add enrollment caps. They also approved the proposed rulemaking to be published for a seven-day comment period since this change is so minor and was recommended by the public. VOTE: 4-0-1 (Miller/May; Shapiro out)

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20292 ANC 8A Decision on Preliminary Matters scheduled for Virtual Public Meeting October 21, 2020 through Webex
20264 Postponement granted; new Hearing date March 24, 2021
20286 Withdrawn
20285 Bryce Jacobs Approved

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Closed Meeting

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
XX-XX CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Committee of 100 re: Request for the Commission to Withdraw its Letter to the Council re: the Comp Plan Acknowledged letter; no action taken
19-30 PROPOSED ACTION: ANC 5D - Map Amendment at Squares 4494, 4495, 4506 & 4507 and Parcels 160/22 and 160/38 Approved 5-0-0 with removal of Lot 66 as discussed
20-06 PROPOSED ACTION: Felice Development Group - 1st-Stage and Conmsolidated PUD and Related Map Amendment @ Squares 1025-E & 1048-S and RES 129 & 299 Approved 5-0-0 as discussed
20-11 FINAL ACTION: Office of Zoning - Text Amendments to Subtitles Y and Z re: Virtual Hearings and Meetings Approved 5-0-0 with typographical changes as discussed
20-24 HEARING ACTION: Offfice of Planning - Map Amendment @ Squares 5862, 5865, 5866 & 5867 (Barry Farms) Approved 5-0-0 for setdown as a rulemaking with an update from OP 11/19

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-16 Office of Planning Approved proposed action 5-0-0 (Miller/May)

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20289 400 Seward Square LLC Rescheduled to Virtual Public Hearing on October 28, 2020 through Webex
20290 Vitis Investments LLC Postponed to Virtual Public Hearing on December 9, 2020 through Webex
20293 Andre Jean Approved
20288 Shannon Perry Postponed to Virtual Public Hearing on November 4, 2020 through Webex
20295 John Fisher Scheduled for decision at Virtual Public Meeting on October 28, 2020
20287 Alozie Uneze Approved
20261 Administratively Rescheduled to Virtual Public Hearing on December 9, 2020 through Webex (Motion for Postponement moot)

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20292 ANC 8A Decision on preliminary matters deferred to Virtual Public Meeting on October 28, 2020 through Webex

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-13 Forest City SEFC, LLC - Text Amendment to Subtitle K Section 238.3 Approved proposed action 5-0-0

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-18 1319 South Capitol Owner, LLC - Design Review @ Square 649 The hearing for the above case (1319 South Capitol Owner, LLC – Design Review @ Square 653) concluded this evening. The record was left open only for requested documents from OP and the Applicant, which are due by 3:00 p.m. on November 23rd. OP and DDOT may submit supplemental reports (if they want to) by 3:00 p.m. on November 30th. The ANC has until 3:00 p.m. on December 16th to submit it’s response. The Applicant will also submit it’s draft order on November 23rd. It is anticipated the Commission will consider final action on December 17th.

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20298 3215 Mount Pleasant Partners LLC Approved with conditions
20297 Hart Wardman, LLC Approved
20300 Brad Mueller Approved
20301 Eric Wortman Approved
20299 Denied
20280 Hearing continued to Virtual Public Hearing on December 16, 2020 through Webex
20282 Spectrum Builders Group LLC Postponed to Virtual Public Hearing on December 16, 2020 through Webex
20302 SQL512TAYLOR LLC Record closed except for requested documents; Decision scheduled for Virtual Public Meeting on November 18, 2020 through Webex
20289 Postponed to Virtual Public Hearing on November 4, 2020 through Webex

Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda

Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20295 Approved
20292 Board denied Motion to Strike; Granted Motion to Dismiss Appeal
20186 Elisabeth Hando Record closed except for requested documents; Decision deferred to Virtual Public Meeting on November 18, 2020 through Webex

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Closed Meeting

Zoning Commission Agenda

Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual Hearing/Meeting
Address: https://dcoz.dc.gov/service/watch-live-virtual-zcbza-hearingsmeetings

Case Number Case Name Result Video
20-25 HEARING ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Subtitles C, U & X, Clarification re: Conmforming Apartment Houses in the RF Zones (Waiver of 10-Day Filing Rule, Set Down, Emergency Action and Immediate Publication of NOPR, and 30-Day PHN Notice )
18-04A HEARING ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Subtitle A Section 209.2, Construction of Playiing Fields & Accessory Structure @ RFK (Parcel 149, Lots 65-66
20-09 FINAL ACTION: Wagner, LLC - Consolidated PUD and Related Map Amendment @ Square 5740, Lot 337
19-27B HEARING ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment toSubtitle J [Zoning Reorganization] and Subtitles A, B, C, U, W, X, Y, and Z [Zoning Conformity]