Case Information

Case Number:   18787
Application of:   Application of 143 Rear W Street LLC
Case Summary:   Application of 143 Rear W Street LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3103.2, pursuant to for variances from subsection 2507.1, which permits a one-family dwelling as the only type of dwelling on an alley lot, and subsection 2507.2, which does not allow construction of a dwelling on an alley lot unless the alley lot abuts an alley 30 feet or more in width and has access to a street through an alley lot not less than 30 feet in width, to allow the construction of four flats on alley lots in the R-4 District at 143 Rear W Street, N.W. (Sq. 3121, Lots 73 and 74).
Application of 143 Rear W Street LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3103.2, pursuant to for variances from subsection 2507.1, which permits a one-family dwelling as the only type of dwelling on an alley lot, and subsection 2507.2, which does not allow construction of a dwelling on an alley lot unless the alley lot abuts an alley 30 feet or more in width and has access to a street through an alley lot not less than 30 feet in width, to allow the construction of four flats on alley lots in the R-4 District at 143 Rear W Street, N.W. (Sq. 3121, Lots 73 and 74).
ANC:   5E08
Pursuant To:  
Case Type:   Variance
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   Approved 3 - 1 - 1
Past Hearing Date(s):   09/09/2014, 07/29/2014, 06/24/2014
Past Meeting Date(s):   09/09/2014, 07/29/2014, 06/24/2014, 04/17/2014

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Transcript DateMeeting TypeAction
06/09/2015Public MeetingView
10/07/2014Public MeetingView
09/09/2014Public HearingView
07/29/2014Public HearingView
06/24/2014Public HearingView

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