
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form104/17/2014View
22 2Fee Calculator Form104/17/2014View
33 3Preliminary Statement of Compliance904/17/2014View
44 4Letter of Authorization 104/17/2014View
55 5Form 135 - Zoning Self-Certification104/17/2014View
66 6List of names and mailing addresses of the owners within 200 feet 904/17/2014View
77 7Surveyor’s Plat 104/17/2014View
88 8Architectural Plans and Elevations 504/17/2014View
99 9Architectural Plans and Elevations Part 21304/17/2014View
1010 10Cover Letter204/17/2014View
1111 11Photographs304/17/2014View
1212 12Filing Fee (Check)104/18/2014View
1313 13Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 5E)104/18/2014View
1414 14Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to Single Member District - ANC 5E08104/18/2014View
1515 15Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to Office of Planning (OP)104/18/2014View
1616 16Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to District Department of Transportation (DDOT)104/18/2014View
1717 17Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to City Council Member Ward 5104/18/2014View
1818 18Board of Zoning Adjustment Notice of Public Hearing to Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 5E)104/23/2014View
1919 19Board of Zoning Adjustment Notice of Public Hearing to Applicant (Christopher H. Collins)204/23/2014View
2020 20Board of Zoning Adjustment Notice of Public Hearing to Property Owners within 200 feet.104/23/2014View
2121 21Attestation104/25/2014View
2222 22Notice of Public Hearing to ANC 5E104/25/2014View
2323 23Statement of Existing and Intended Use105/14/2014View
2424 24Request for Postponement105/20/2014View
2525 25Party Status (Opposition) Request from Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen206/05/2014View
2626 26Affidavit of Posting 506/05/2014View
2727 27Party Status Request from Victoria Leonard106/09/2014View
2828 28Party Status Request from Pia M. Brown106/09/2014View
2929 29Party Status Request from Jonathan B. Carron106/09/2014View
3030 30Cover Letter from Holland & Knight206/11/2014View
3131 31Application for Variance/Special Exception106/11/2014View
3232 32Self-Certification Form206/11/2014View
3333 33Self-Certification Form106/11/2014View
3434 34Revised Statement of Existing and Intended Uses106/11/2014View
3535A35APlans (Part 1 of 2)406/11/2014View
3635B35BPlans (Part 2 of 2)1206/11/2014View
3736 36DC Surveyor's Plat106/11/2014View
3837 37Returned PHNs1505/14/2014View
3938 38Amendment to Application2406/12/2014View
4039 39 Affidavit of Maintenance306/20/2014View
4140 40DDOT Report 207/03/2014View
4241 41Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Pre-hearing Statement107/15/2014View
4342 42Statement of the Applicant907/15/2014View
4442A42AStatement of the Applicant: Tab A (Zoning Map)107/15/2014View
4542B42BStatement of the Applicant: Tab B (Portion of Baist Atlas)207/15/2014View
4642C42CStatement of the Applicant: Tab C (Updated Architectural Plans and Drawings)1107/15/2014View
4742D42DStatement of the Applicant: Tab D (Declaration of Mutual Covenants and Obligations and Grant of Easements)2007/15/2014View
4842E42EStatement of the Applicant: Tab E (Feasibility and Economic Impact Analysis)507/15/2014View
4942F42FStatement of the Applicant: Tab F (Outlines of Testimony)407/15/2014View
5042G42GStatement of the Applicant: Tab G (Resumes of Expert Witnesses)507/15/2014View
5142H42HStatement of the Applicant: Tab H (Prior BZA Orders Granting Similar Relief)7707/15/2014View
5243A43AArchitectural Plans (Part 1 of 3)407/15/2014View
5343B43BArchitectural Plans (Part 2 of 3)1207/15/2014View
5443C43CArchitectural Plans (Part 3 of 3)1107/15/2014View
5544 44Shadow Study Slides Cover Letter207/15/2014View
5645 45 Shadow Study Slides607/15/2014View
5746 46Letter from Holland & Knight Enclosing Shadow Study707/16/2014View
5847 47Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Pre-Hearing Statement1007/16/2014View
5947A47APre-Hearing Statement: Tab A (Zoning Map)107/16/2014View
6047B47BPre-Hearing Statement: Tab B (Baist Map)207/16/2014View
6147C47CPre-Hearing Statement: Tab C (Updated Architectural Plans, Drawings and Renderings)2707/16/2014View
6247D47DPre-Hearing Statement: Tab D (Declaration of Mutual Covenants and Obligations and Grant of Easements)1007/16/2014View
6347E47EPre-Hearing Statement: Tab E (Feasibility and Economic Impact Analysis)507/16/2014View
6447F47FPre-Hearing Statement: Tab F (Outlines of Testimony)407/16/2014View
6547G47GPre-Hearing Statement: Tab G (Resumes of Expert Witnesses)507/16/2014View
6647H47HPre-Hearing Statement: Tab H (Prior BZA Orders Granting Similar Relief)7707/16/2014View
6748 48Letter of Compliance from District of Columbia Fire & EMS Department207/21/2014View
6849 49OP Report507/22/2014View
6950 50ANC 5E Report407/22/2014View
7051 51Letter in Support from James Ford Butler107/28/2014View
7152 52Letter in Support from Otis Carter107/28/2014View
7253 53Letter in Support from Jay Chen107/28/2014View
7354 54Letter in Support from James Cole107/28/2014View
7455 55Letter in Support from Karim Khoury107/28/2014View
7556 56Letter in Support from Johannes Kiess and Courtney Ranson107/28/2014View
7657 57Letter in Support from Sabita Maraj107/28/2014View
7758 58Letter in Support from Sharmaine D. McKnight107/28/2014View
7859 59Letter in Support from Jared Powell107/28/2014View
7960 60Letter in Support from Christina Roberts107/28/2014View
8061 61Letter in Support from Andrew Schictel107/28/2014View
8162 62Letter in Support from Angela Robinson207/28/2014View
8263 63Letter in Support from Agustina Schijman107/28/2014View
8364 64Letter in Support from Dennis M. Sellin107/28/2014View
8465 65Letter in Support from Tyler Smith107/28/2014View
8566 66Letter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen507/29/2014View
8666A66ALetter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab A (Miller-DC Water Contract)407/29/2014View
8766B66BLetter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab B (Bloomingdale Court Letter)107/29/2014View
8866C66CLetter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab C (Alleys DC Other Streets are Attracting Attention)507/29/2014View
8966D66DLetter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab D (Views of Sunsets from 2208 Flagler that would be Blocked) 207/29/2014View
9066E66ELetter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab E (Examples of Recent Sales in Bloomingdale) 2907/29/2014View
9166F66FLetter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab F(Alley Along 2200 Block of Flagler(Poles in Public Right of Way, Damage to Poles from Cars Trying to Squeeze Through) 407/29/2014View
9266G66GLetter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab G (BZA Decision Denying Variances for Dwellings Where Alley Not 30 Feet) 1307/29/2014View
9366H166H1Letter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab H (DC Office of Planning "The DC Historic Alley Buildings Survey 2014) Part 1 of 23007/29/2014View
9466H266H2Letter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab H (DC Office of Planning "The DC Historic Alley Buildings Survey 2014) Part 2 of 21807/29/2014View
9566I66ILetter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab I (Office of Zoning "Myth/Fact: Alley Lots" December 31,2012, 692 Alley Lots in R-4 Districts) 307/29/2014View
9666J66JLetter in Opposition from Pia Brown, Jon Carron, Victoria Leonard, Alicia Hunt & Joe Gersen: Tab J (Listings for Parking Spots in Adams Morgan) 107/29/2014View
9767 67Outline of Testimony Submitted by Applicant707/29/2014View
9868 68Examples of Various Cases Similar to 18787 Submitted by Applicant1507/29/2014View
9969 69Letters in Support Submitted by Applicant1607/29/2014View
10070 70Witness Cards207/29/2014View
10171 71Supplemental Information Requested1508/12/2014View
10272 72Financial Feasibility Supplemental808/12/2014View
10373 73Market Standard Lending and Equity Rates108/12/2014View
10474 74Plan Drawing608/12/2014View
10575 75Supplemental Information Requested for Limited Continuation Hearing3908/12/2014View
10676 76Response to Miller's Development Supplemental Submission2008/25/2014View
10777 77Applicant's PowerPoint Presentation1209/09/2014View
10878 78Witness Cards309/09/2014View
10979 79Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law609/29/2014View
11080 80Applicant's Draft Order1409/30/2014View
11181 81Decision and Order1404/14/2015View
11282 82Attestation104/14/2015View
11383 83Letter from Party in Opposition Requesting the Zoning Commission to Review it's April 14,2015 Decision404/24/2015View
11484 84Letter from Party in Opposition Requesting Reconsideration of April 14, 2015's Decision404/24/2015View
11585 85Form 150 Request for Reconsideration204/24/2015View
11686 86Letter from ANC 5E Re: Motion to Reconsider204/24/2015View
11787 87Letter from Holland & Knight Re: Applicant's Opposition to Motion for Reconsideration405/01/2015View