Event Information : Public Hearing
Start Time : 5/8/2007 9:30 AM
![CaseNumber](../../Assets/images/caseNumber.png) | Case Number : | 17610 | Case Name : | Leslie Nayson and Brian Paxson | Case Summary : | (Special Exceptions) Application No. 17610 of Leslie Nayson and Brian Paxson, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.1, for a special exception to allow a basement addition to an existing single-family row dwelling under section 223, not meeting the lot occupancy requirements (section 403), in the R-4 District at premises 1404 Constitution Avenue, N.E. (Square 1055, Lot 43). | ANC : | 6A,04 | Result : | Granted.
![CaseNumber](../../Assets/images/caseNumber.png) | Case Number : | 17602 | Case Name : | National Presbyterian Church | Case Summary : | (Special Exceptions) Application No 17602 of National Presbyterian Church, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.1, for a special exception to establish a child development center under §205 (16 children, ages infant to 4 years, and 5 staff), in the R-1-B District, on the first floor of the multi-purpose building, at premises 4101 Nebraska Avenue, N.W. (Square 1724, Lot 805). | ANC : | 3D10 | Result : | Granted with Conditions.
![CaseNumber](../../Assets/images/caseNumber.png) | Case Number : | 17604 | Case Name : | NJA Associates LLC | Case Summary : | (Special Exceptions) Application No. 17604 of NJA Associates LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR 3104.1, for a special exception for a waiver of the rear yard requirements under subsection 774.2, to allow the construction of an office building at 1111 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. (Square 743-N, Lot 78), in the C-3-C zone. | ANC : | 6D,07 | Result : | Granted.