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Board/CommissionCase NumberCase NameResult
11/18/2019 ZC 11-15J CONSENT: CALENDAR: Howard University - Modification of Consequence to Z.C Order No. 11-15F (extraction of properties from Campus Plan) @ Square 2877 (Deliberation) Approved 5-0-0
11/18/2019 ZC 11-15J Howard University
10/21/2019 ZC 11-15J CONSENT CALENDAR: Howard University - Mod. of Consequence to Z.C. Order No. 11-15F @ Square 2877 (Determination) Scheduled: remaining party response due 11/4; OP, DDOT, and Applicants responses due 11/12; Deliberation 11/18
9/23/2019 ZC 02-38I(1) CONSENT CALENDAR: Waterfront 375 M Street, LLC & Waterfront 425 M Street, LLC - Technical Correction to Z.C. Order No. 02-38I (Decision Paragraph No. E2) @ Square 542 Approved 5-0-0
9/23/2019 ZC 11-15I CONSENT CALENDAR: Howard University - Minor Modification to Z.C. Order No. 11-15G Approved 5-0-0
9/23/2019 ZC 15-13B CONSENT CALENDAR: 1309 E Street, LLC - Technical Correction to Z.C. Order No. 15-13 Approved 5-0-0
9/9/2019 ZC 11-15I CONSENT CALENDAR: Howard University - Minor Modification or Technical Correction to Z.C. Order No. 11-15G @ Square 3065 Deferred to September 23rd
9/17/2018 ZC 06-14F CONSENT CALENDAR: Washington Gateway Three, LLC – Technical Correction to Z.C. Order Nos. 06-14 to 06-14D Approved 4-0-1
9/17/2018 ZC 08-06P FINAL ACTION: Office of Planning – Corrections to Z.C. Order No. 08-06A for Subtitles C, J, K, U, X & Y Approved 4-0-1
9/17/2018 ZC 08-06Q FINAL ACTION: Office of Planning – Amendments to Z.C. Order No. 08 06A re: Subtitle B § 304.3 (Rules of Measurement) and Subtitle I § 200 (Density – Floor Area Ratio Approved 4-0-1
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