Case Summary: |
Application of 1151 Oates St NE LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR Subtitle X, Chapter 9, for special exceptions under the residential conversion provisions of Subtitle U § 320.2, and under Subtitle E § 5201 from the side yard requirements of Subtitle E § 307.4, and the nonconforming structure requirements of Subtitle C § 202.2, to construct a third story and a three-story rear addition to the existing flat and convert it to a three-unit apartment house in the RF-1 Zone at premises 1151 Oates Street N.E. (Square 4064, Lot 804).
Application of 1151 Oates St NE LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR Subtitle X, Chapter 9, for special exceptions under the residential conversion provisions of Subtitle U § 320.2, and under Subtitle E § 5201 from the side yard requirements of Subtitle E § 307.4, and the nonconforming structure requirements of Subtitle C § 202.2, to construct a third story and a three-story rear addition to the existing flat and convert it to a three-unit apartment house in the RF-1 Zone at premises 1151 Oates Street N.E. (Square 4064, Lot 804).