Case Information

Case Number:   19124A
Application of:   MR 622 EYE STREET LAND LLC and ACY and YL CHENG LLC
Case Summary:   Application of MR 622 EYE STREET LAND LLC and ACY and YL CHENG LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR Subtitle Y, § 705.1, for a two-year time extension of BZA Order No. 19618 approving a variance from the closed court width and area requirements under § 776, and a special exception from the penthouse setback requirements under §§ 411 and 777.1, to allow the construction of a new mixed-use residential building in the DD/C-3-C District at premises located on Square 453, Lots 40, 50, 815-819, 821, 835, and port
Application of MR 622 EYE STREET LAND LLC and ACY and YL CHENG LLC, pursuant to 11 DCMR Subtitle Y, § 705.1, for a two-year time extension of BZA Order No. 19618 approving a variance from the closed court width and area requirements under § 776, and a special exception from the penthouse setback requirements under §§ 411 and 777.1, to allow the construction of a new mixed-use residential building in the DD/C-3-C District at premises located on Square 453, Lots 40, 50, 815-819, 821, 835, and port
ANC:   2C01
Pursuant To:  
Case Type:   Time Extension
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   Approved 4 - 0 - 1

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Summary Order on Request for Time ExtensionView


Transcript DateMeeting TypeAction
07/25/2018Public MeetingView

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