Case Information

Case Number:   17941
Application of:   1332 Vermont Avenue Partnership
Case Summary:   Application No. 17941 of 1332 Vermont Avenue Partnership, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.2, for a variance from the floor area ratio requirements under section 402, a variance from the lot occupancy requirements under section 403, a variance from the court requirements under section 406 and a variance from the nonconforming structure provisions under subsection 2001.3, to allow additions, including an enclosed stairway, to an existing five (5) unit apartment house in the R-5-B District at premises 1332 Vermont Avenue, N.W. (Square 242, Lot 89).
Application No. 17941 of 1332 Vermont Avenue Partnership, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3104.2, for a variance from the floor area ratio requirements under section 402, a variance from the lot occupancy requirements under section 403, a variance from the court requirements under section 406 and a variance from the nonconforming structure provisions under subsection 2001.3, to allow additions, including an enclosed stairway, to an existing five (5) unit apartment house in the R-5-B District at premises 1332 Vermont Avenue, N.W. (Square 242, Lot 89).
ANC:   2F,02
Pursuant To:  
Case Type:   Variance
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   See Order

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Summary OrderView


Transcript DateMeeting TypeAction
10/06/2009Public MeetingView
07/28/2009Public HearingView
07/28/2009Public MeetingView
07/14/2009Public MeetingView
06/30/2009Public HearingView

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