Case Information

Case Number:   17791
Application of:   DRM and Associates, Inc.
Case Summary:   Application No. 17791 of DRM and Associates, Inc., pursuant to 11 DCMR §3104, for a special exception to continue operation of a child development center (50 children, infant to 12 years, and 9 staff) under § 205, and a variance from the off-street parking requirements under § 2101.1, in the R-4 district, at premises 728 F Street, N.E. (Square 891, Lot 49).
Application No. 17791 of DRM and Associates, Inc., pursuant to 11 DCMR §3104, for a special exception to continue operation of a child development center (50 children, infant to 12 years, and 9 staff) under § 205, and a variance from the off-street parking requirements under § 2101.1, in the R-4 district, at premises 728 F Street, N.E. (Square 891, Lot 49).
ANC:   6C,06
Pursuant To:  
Case Type:   Special Exception/Variance
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   See Order

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Transcript DateMeeting TypeAction
05/19/2009Public MeetingView
04/14/2009Special Public MeetingView
03/17/2009Public HearingView
07/08/2008Public HearingView

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