Case Information

Case Number:   17109A
Application of:   Kalorama Citizens Association,
Case Summary:   Appeal No. 17109 of Kalorama Citizens Association, pursuant to 11 DCMR section3100 from the administrative decision of David Clarke, Director, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, from the issuance of Building Permit Nos. B455571 and B455876, dated October 6 and 16, 2003, respectively, to Montrose, LLC to adjust the building height to 70 feet and to revise penthouse roof structure plans to construct an apartment building in the R-5-D District at 1819 Belmont Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. and from the issuance of the original Building Permit No. B449218, dated March 11,2003.
Appeal No. 17109 of Kalorama Citizens Association, pursuant to 11 DCMR section3100 from the administrative decision of David Clarke, Director, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, from the issuance of Building Permit Nos. B455571 and B455876, dated October 6 and 16, 2003, respectively, to Montrose, LLC to adjust the building height to 70 feet and to revise penthouse roof structure plans to construct an apartment building in the R-5-D District at 1819 Belmont Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. and from the issuance of the original Building Permit No. B449218, dated March 11,2003.
ANC:   1C,03
Pursuant To:  
Case Type:   Appeal
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   See Order

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Orders of the BZA approving Roof StructuresView
Proposed findings of fact conclusion of law and order submitted by Laurie Gisolfi GilbertView
Final Order Granted in part and denied in partView
Motion of Kalorama Citizens Association for Partial Rehearing and Reconsideration of Order of November 8, 2005, submitted by Ann Hughes HargroveView
BZA Order No. 17109-AView


Transcript DateMeeting TypeAction
10/28/2014Public HearingView

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