Case Information

Case Number:   16-06B
Application of:   Jemals Lazriv Water, LLC
Case Summary:   Modification of Consequence to Z.C. Order Nos. 16-06 and 16-06A at Square 666, Lot 15 - 1900 Half Street modify the buildings design and massing, increase the residential units and parking spaces, and make minor changes to the landscape design of the Riverwalk. (ANC 6D)
Modification of Consequence to Z.C. Order Nos. 16-06 and 16-06A at Square 666, Lot 15 - 1900 Half Street modify the buildings design and massing, increase the residential units and parking spaces, and make minor changes to the landscape design of the Riverwalk. (ANC 6D)
ANC:   6D05
Case Type:   Modification of Consequence
Case Status:   Closed
Result:   (5-0-0)
Past Meeting Date(s):   10/22/2018

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Z.C. Order No. 16-06BView


Transcript DateMeeting TypeAction
10/22/2018Public MeetingView
09/17/2018Public MeetingView

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