
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application for Final Approval for PUD A.) Robert A. Plitt (Donohoe) B.) Michael Ryan (NS&T) and C. & D.) Gavin M. Farr (Chevy Chase Land Co.)410/23/1985View
22 2Application to Amend Zoning Map (Same Signatures)410/18/1985View
33 3Second Stage Booklet (Submission)11810/18/1985View
44 4Certificate of Service from Maureen E. Dwyer w/Owner List & File Intent Notice810/18/1985View
55 5A.) Photostat of Filing Fee; B.) Ltr. of Transmittal for 2nd Stage Filing Requests210/18/1985View
66 6Plat of Survey110/17/1985View
88 8Set of Plans 1 Copy for ZC File (Large - OVERSIZED DOCUMENT PLEASE SEE AT OFFICE)110/18/1985View
99 9Key Map w/Cvr. Ltr. of Transmittal210/21/1985View
1010 10Waiver of Rules from Applicant to Schedule "Hearing Action" at 11/4/85 Meeting310/18/1985View
1111 11Request for Processing from Cecil Tucker to Fred L. Greene, OP110/24/1985View
1212 12Ltr. to Applicant from C.B. Tucker "Accepted for Processing"110/25/1985View
1313 13Ltr. to ANC 3E Chair w/ANC Responsibilities & Notice of Filing410/25/1985View
1414 14Memo to Public Library w/Copy of Notice of Filing110/25/1985View
1515 15Notice of Filing110/25/1985View
1616 16Ltr. to Applicant from Cecil Tucker Re: ZC Chair's Approval of Applicant's Request to Waive Rule 2.1(b)110/25/1985View
1717 17Memo from Fred Green to ZC Preliminary Report710/25/1985View
1818 18Ltr. from Matthew Watson to ZC Re: Objection to ZC Waiving Section 2.1(b) of its Rules111/04/1985View
1919 19Letter to Whayne S. Quin, Esq. from Cecil B. Tucker, Re: Pre-Hearing Dates411/12/1985View
2020 20Memo to Fred L. Greene from Reginald C. Lyons, Re: Request for Further Processing111/12/1985View
2121 21ZC Order No. 477211/04/1985View
2222A122A1Applicant's Pre-Hearing Submission & Certification Application is Complete (Part 1)13212/12/1985View
2322A222A2Applicant's Pre-Hearing Submission & Certification Application is Complete (Part 2)5912/12/1985View
2423 23Pre-Hearing Submission - Proposed Plans (DOCUMENT IS OVERSIZED PLEASE SEE AT OFFICE)112/12/1985View
2524 24Pre-Hearing Submission - Resume of Eileen Straughan, Kamber Engineering, Inc.312/12/1985View
2625 25Memo to the File from Reginald C. Lyon w/Attached ZC P.H. Notice, Re: Service612/19/1985View
2726 26Affidavit of Posting512/31/1985View
2827 27Ltr. from Fran Segal Requesting to Participate as a Party in Opposition101/10/1986View
2928 28Request for Party Status for The Miller Co., from Phil Feola & Qualification of Experts1501/22/1986View
3029 29Ltr. from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane on Behalf of the Applicant Submitting the Following List of Witnesses as Experts1301/22/1986View
3130 30Application of Citizens Coordinating Committee on Friendship Heights, Inc. to Appear and Participate as Parties, Witness List, & Summary of Testimony2501/22/1986View
3231 31ANC 3G Report901/22/1986View
3332 32Request for Leave to Participate as a Party by the Friendship Neighborhood Coalition3101/23/1986View
3433 33Motion for Clarification of Scope of Second-Stage601/23/1986View
3534 34Motion to Reject Second-Stage PUD Submission or to Hold Proceeding in abeyance Pending Compliance with Conditions1901/23/1986View
3635 35ANC 3E Report201/23/1986View
3736 36Request to Participate as a Party by Fran Segal in Opposition201/23/1986View
3837 37Ltr. from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane on Behalf of Client, Abrams & Associates, Requesting to be Granted Party Status2701/23/1986View
3938 38Ltr. from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane Requesting a Waiver of the Fourteen-Day Requirement to Permit Abrams & Associates to be Admitted as a Party Poponent201/27/1986View
4039 39Photo of Model of Project101/27/1986View
4140 40Applicant's Opposition to Admitting Horace Sykes & Joan & Anthony Churchill as Party501/27/1986View
4241 41Applicant's Response to FNC's Motion for Clarification of Scope of Second-Stage PUD301/27/1986View
4342 42Applicant's Response to FNC's Motion to Reject Second-Stage Submission or to Hold Proceeding in Abeyance601/27/1986View
4443 43Applicant's Response to ANC 3E's Request for Postponement of the Case2901/27/1986View
4544 44OP Report601/28/1986View
4645 45Ltr. in Opposition from Melvin J. Wertz101/28/1986View
4746 46Memo from C. Bernard Gilpin, DPW Re: Circulation401/28/1986View
4847 47ANC 3E Report501/30/1986View
4948 48Memo to all Parties Re: Admitted Parties from Cecil Tucker201/29/1986View
5049 49Transmittal of Testimony for William D. Vose, Thomas McDuffie, Robert L. Morris, George Cook, and Eileen Straughan (A thru F) Plan-49F3302/03/1986View
5150 50James A. Soltesz's Testimony102/03/1986View
5251 51Ltr. from DCRA Joseph Cugnini Re: Air Quality Controls202/03/1986View
5352 52Testimony of Miller Co., Ltr. of Transmittal & Certificate of Service302/03/1986View
5453 53Opening Statement402/06/1986View
5554 54Ltr. from Whayne S. Quin, Re: Clarification of the Scope of the Second-Stage PUD1702/05/1986View
5655 55Cut-in Photo of Project102/06/1986View
5756 56Truck Management Plan by Robert L. Morris402/06/1986View
5857 57Memo to John E. Touchstone, Director, DPW from Cecil B. Tucker Re: Proposed Development of Square 1661202/07/1986View
5958 58Ltr. Transmitting Testimony of: (A) Virginia Mitz, B.) Dr. Alfred Muller1102/10/1986View
6059 59ANC 3G Transmittal of Testimony for ANC 3G902/10/1986View
6160 60Testimony of Virginia Spevak1302/10/1986View
6261 61Testimony Statement of Everett C. Carter, Ph.D.3002/10/1986View
6362 62Transmittal Letter for all Testimony of FNC & Certificate of Service202/10/1986View
6463 63Testimony of Russell Perry2202/10/1996View
6564 64Testimony of Fran Segal702/10/1986View
6665 65ANC 3G A) Ltr. Transmitting Testimony Corrections B) Testimony of ANC 3G1002/11/1986View
6766 66Motion of FNC to Substitute Typed Copy of Testimony of Russell Perry2302/11/1986View
6867 67Ltr. from ANC 3E Re: Inability to Present Testimony at Contained Hearing of 2/13/86102/12/1986View
6968 68Opening Statement302/13/1986View
7069 69Loading Area Cover Plan = A, Tempo Banking Facility Plan = B (DOCUMENT IS OVERSIZED PLEASE SEE AT OFFICE)102/13/1986View
7170 70Building Floor Area Computations102/13/1986View
7271 71Traffic Circulation Plan by DPW102/13/1986View
7372 72Ltr. in Opposition from The Wisconsin Avenue Corridor Committee202/14/1986View
7473 73Ltr. from Spiegel & McDiamid w/Attached Sketches1002/14/1986View
7574 74Ltr. from Chevy Chase Citizens Association w/Attachment (Booklet)5202/19/1986View
7675 75Ltr. from Cynthia H. Anderson Re: Issues of Traffic, High-Density Development, Blighted Neighborhoods as a Result of Proposed Project102/20/1986View
7776 76Ltr. from Maureen Dwyer Re: Information from the Banking Community302/20/1986View
7877 77Ltr. from Maureen Dwyer Re: Copy of Ltr. Referenced by James Soltesz in Testimony202/20/1986View
7978 78Opening Statement302/20/1986View
8079 79Exterior Architectural Signage202/20/1986View
8180 80Signage Criteria Guidelines302/20/1986View
8281 81Testimony of Architect102/20/1986View
8382 82Truck Management Plan502/20/1986View
8483 83Memorandum of Understanding402/20/1986View
8584 84A Resolution on Traffic Review Policy from ANC 3E102/20/1986View
8685 85Newspaper Article (Friendship Complex to Cost $30 Million)102/20/1986View
8786 86Rebuttal Testimony from William O. Vose502/20/1986View
8887 87Closing Statement202/20/1986View
8988 88ZC Pre-Hearing Conference Summary701/27/1986View
9089 89Ltr. from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane Transmitting Post-Hearing Info. & List of Parties Served503/28/1986View
9190 90Photos of Model, Ex. A203/28/1986View
9291 91Closing Statement of Architect, Ex. B2103/28/1986View
9392 92Plan for Proposed Parking Level, Ex. C303/28/1986View
9493 93Plan Showing Ventilation of Underground Parking, Ex. D103/28/1986View
9594 94Plan Showing Possible Parking level Garage Connections, Ex. E103/28/1986View
9695 95Summary of First Source Employment Program Ex. F703/28/1986View
9796 96Proposed Alternative for a Left Turn in Traffic, Ex. G103/28/1986View
9897 97Revised Plan for Location of Temporary Bank Facility, Ex. H103/28/1986View
9998 98Hotel Signage Standards, Ex. I903/28/1986View
10099 99Additional Info. on Building Materials, Ex. J203/28/1986View
101100 100List of Flexibility Needed or Desired, Ex. K203/28/1986View
102101 101Construction/Excavation Removal Plan, Ex. L103/28/1986View
103102 102DPW Report in Response to ZC Memo of Feb. 7, 19861203/28/1986View
104103 103Closing Statement of Friendship Neighborhood Coalition, in Opposition3603/28/1986View
105104 104Response to FNC Traffic Expert to ZC Request of 2/20/86903/28/1986View
106105 105Closing Statement of Miller Co., in Support503/28/1986View
107106 106ANC 3G Report w/Attachment1204/05/1986View
108107 107Proposed Finding of Facts and Conclusions of Law704/04/1986View
109108 108From Applicant A) Transmittal Letter and B) Proposed Finding of Facts and Conclusions of Law6204/04/1986View
110109 109FNC A) Transmittal Ltr. of B) Comments on Closing Statements C) Finding of Facts & Conclusions of Law5504/04/1986View
111110 110Miller Co. Closing Statement Response to FNC and Post-Hearing Filing of Donohoe Co.1404/04/1986View
112111 111Abrams & Associate's Response to FNC Closing Statement204/04/1986View
113112 112Donohoe Co.'s Response to FNC Closing Statement704/04/1986View
114113 113Donohoe Co.'s Response to Miller Co.'s Closing Statement504/04/1986View
115114 114OP Summary Abstract Report904/09/1986View
116115 115Ltr. from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane w/Attached Proposed Guidelines, Conditions and Standards Requested by the Zoning Commission1304/21/1986View
117116 116FNC Response to Applicant's Understanding of Conditions204/25/1986View
118117 117Memo to ZC from Cecil Tucker Re: Request to Waive the Rules & Reopen the Record105/12/1986View
119118 118Ltr. to Mrs. Marquerite L. Corsetti from Cecil B. Tucker Re: Request Denied105/14/1986View
120119 119NCPC Referral705/22/1986View
121120 120Memorandum of Understanding Between the Three Developers of Sq. 1661305/27/1986View
122121 121Unified Plan for Through Block Connector from the Three Developers of Sq. 1661605/27/1986View
123122 122Fully Executed Memorandum of Understanding Between the Three Developers in Sq. 1661305/28/1986View
124123 123Comments from Spiegel & McDiarmid905/30/1986View
125124 124Motion for Limited Stay from Spiegel & McDiarmid706/02/1986View
126125 125ANC 3G Report Re: Memorandum of Understanding206/05/1986View
127126 126Opposition of the Donohoe Companies, Inc. to the FNC Motion for Limited Stay406/05/1986View
128127 127ANC 3G Report Re: Request to Defer Decision606/06/1986View
129128 128Reply of the Friendship Neighborhood Coalition to Oppositions to Motion for Limited Stay606/09/1986View
130129 129Corrected Letter from the Mayor Re: Request to Defer Action w/Original206/09/1986View
131130 130Corrected Ltr. from the Mayor Re: Request to Defer Action206/10/1986View
132131 131NCPC Report1106/10/1986View
133132 132Ltr. from Spiegel & McDiarmid w/Attached Copy of Transcript from Public Meeting on 06/09/8619706/10/1986View
134133 133Memo to the Zoning Commission from Cecil B. Tucker Re: Transcript of Sq. 1661 Discussion106/17/1986View
135134 134Ltr. from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick, & Lane, Re: Dates on which W,A,H & L Obtained Copies of the April 14, 1986 Public Meeting306/24/1986View
136135 135Ltr. to Donald Weightman, Esq. from Edward L. Curry Re: Motion for Limited Stay-Denied107/09/1986View
137136 136Ltr. to Whayne S. Quin, Esq. from Edward L. Curry Re: Returned Ltr. - Record Closed107/15/1986View
138137 137Memo to the File from Cecil B. Tucker w/Attached ZC Order No. 492 Re: Service3308/18/1986View
139138 138Motion for Reconsideration by the Friendship Neighborhood Coalition15309/08/1986View
140139 139ZC Hearing Summary1509/08/1986View
141140 140Ltr. from The Department of Public Works w/Attached Memorandum of Understanding2409/29/1986View
142141 141Applicant's Opposition to the FNC's Motion for Reconsideration809/18/1986View
143142 142Ltr. from Spiegel & McDiarmid w/Attached Friendship Neighborhood Coalition's Reply to Applicant's Opposition to Motion for Reconsideration2710/03/1986View
144143 143Ltr. to Marc R. Poirier from Edward L. Curry Re: Motion of the Friendship Neighborhood Coalition for Reconsideration Denied110/10/1986View
145144 144Ltr. to The Miller Companies from Edward L. Curry Re: Ltr. Dated 10/10/86 Attached210/17/1986View
146145 145Ltr. to Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3E from Edward L. Curry Re: Ltr. Dated 10/10/86 Attached210/17/1986View
147146 146Ltr. to Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3G from Edward L. Curry Re: Ltr. Dated 10/10/86 Attached210/17/1986View
148147 147Ltr. to Citizens Coordinating Committee on Friendship Heights from Edward L. Curry, Re: Ltr. Dated 10/10/86 Attached210/17/1986View
149148 148Ltr. to Fran Segal from Edward L. Curry Re: Ltr. Dated 10/10/86 Attached210/17/1986View
150149 149Ltr. to the Military Road Homeowners Association from Edward L. Curry Re: Ltr. Dated 10/10/86 Attached210/17/1986View
151150 150Ltr. to the Donohoe Companies from Edward L. Curry Re: Ltr. Dated 10/10/86 Attached210/17/1986View
152151 151Motion to Leave to File Corrected Copy of Petition for Review1611/06/1986View
153152 152Petition for Review711/12/1986View
154153 153Petition for Review1111/07/1986View
155154 154Motion for Reconsideration of Zoning Commission Order No. 4921112/02/1986View
156155 155Ltr. from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane with Attached Substitute Plans (Plans See Flat File)112/03/1986View
157156 156Ltr. from Patricia S. Baptiste Citizens Coordinating Committee on Friendship Heights, Inc., Re: Response to Motion for Reconsideration212/04/1986View
158157 157Statement of Friendship Neighborhood Coalition in Support of Modification of Order No. 492512/04/1996View
159158 158Notice of Intention to Intervene312/04/1986View
160159 159ANC 3E Report112/08/1986View
161160 160Motion for Reconsideration from Applicant w/Plans812/11/1986View
162161 161Ltr. from ANC 3G in Support of Applicant's Motion for Reconsideration112/15/1986View
163162 162Ltr. from Miller Co. in Support of Applicant's Motion for Reconsideration112/15/1986View
164163 163ANC 3E Report112/15/1986View
165164 164Motion to Stay Proposed Approval for Application from Miller Co. (Linowes & Blocher)412/31/1986View
166165 165Donohoe Co. Opposition to Motion to Stay Approval Filed by Miller Co., from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane301/06/1987View
167166 166Motion to Stay Action on Petition for Review from The Friendship Neighborhood Coalition301/15/1987View
168167 167Motion to Stay Action on Petition for Review from The Friendship Neighborhood Coalition301/15/1987View
169168 168Ltr. from Linowes & Blocher Re: Writing to Withdraw its Request to Stay the Proposed Approval201/12/1987View
170169 169Reply of The Donohoe Companies, Inc. Et.al in Support of the Motion to Stay301/28/1987View
171170 170Ltr. from Grove & Engleberg, P.C. w/Attached Motion to Stay Action for Petition for Review301/28/1987View
172171 171Memo to the File from Cecil B. Tucker w/Attached ZC Order No. 517 Re: Service3602/27/1987View
173172 172Ltr. from DC Court of Appeals w/Attached Petition for Review1211/10/1986View
174173 173Ltr. from Spiefel & McDiarmid to Alan I. Herman Re: Friendship Heights Neighborhood Coalition v. D.C. Z.C.204/03/1987View
175174 174Ltr. from Knopf & Burka w/Attached Motions504/06/1987View
176175 175Letter to Maureen Dwyer from ELC204/28/1987View
177176 176Letter to Whayne Quin from ELC204/28/1987View
178177 177Ltr. to Richard B. Hoffman from Edward L. Curry Re: Order Dismissing the Appeal307/27/1987View
179178 178Ltr. from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane w/Attached Article 75 Convenant8010/09/1987View
180179 179Ltr. from Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane Re: Motion to Reconsideration & Modify ZC Order No. 517803/23/1990View
181180 180Memorandum from OP Re: Proposed Modification to ZC Order No. 517104/11/1990View
182181 181NCPC Referral105/07/1990View
183182 182NCPC Report205/14/1990View
184183 183Memorandum to the File w/Attached ZC Order No. 517-A Re: Service606/13/1990View
185184 184ZA Notice of Minor Modification301/24/2019View
186184A184ACopy of Order No. 5173302/04/2019View
187184B184BApplicant's Request to the ZA for Modification203/05/2019View
188185 185ZA Request to Stay the Referral to Allow Time for Applicant to Work with ANC202/11/2019View
189186 186Ltr. from Applicant - Notice it will file for Modification of Consequence103/11/2019View
190187 187ANC 3E Resolution in Opposition to ZA's Approval 03/11/2019View