
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Modification of Consequence702/22/2019View
21A1ASIS: Tab A (Application Form)102/22/2019View
31B1BSIS: Tab B (Authorization Letter)202/22/2019View
41C1CSIS: Tab C (Historic District Nomination)502/22/2019View
51D1DSIS: Tab D (Copy of Order No. 339)1802/22/2019View
61E1ESIS: Tab E (Copy of Order No. 348)402/22/2019View
71F1FSIS: Tab F (Campus Plan Map)202/22/2019View
81G11G1SIS: Tab G (Architectural Plans - Part 1)1102/22/2019View
91G21G2SIS: Tab G (Architectural Plans - Part 2)1202/22/2019View
101G31G3SIS: Tab G (Architectural Plans - Part 3)102/22/2019View
111G41G4SIS: Tab G (Architectural Plans - Part 4)102/22/2019View
121H1HSIS: Tab H (Copy of Order No. 15-18B)402/22/2019View
132 2Referral to OP103/04/2019View
143 3Receipt for Filing Fee102/22/2019View
154 4OP Report403/18/2019View
165 5DDOT Report403/22/2019View
176 6ANC 2A Report103/25/2019View
187 7Applicant's Response to ZC's, OP's, and DDOT's Comments404/15/2019View
198A18A1Revised Architectural Drawings (Part 1)1204/15/2019View
208A28A2Revised Architectural Drawings (Part 2)1304/15/2019View
218A38A3Revised Architectural Drawings (Part 3)1004/15/2019View
229 9Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law705/22/2019View
2310 10Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register109/22/2020View
2411 11Z.C. Order No. 80-11A709/22/2020View
2512 12Attestation: PHN109/23/2020View