
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - PUD Minor Modification Application Statement 609/12/2018View
21A1ASIS: Tab A (Application Form and Authorization Letter)209/12/2018View
31B1BSIS: Tab B (Copy of ZC Order No. 60)309/12/2018View
41C1CSIS: Tab C (Copy of BZA Order No 11585)409/12/2018View
51D1DSIS: Tab D (Zoning Comp Sheet - 2101 L Street)109/12/2018View
61E1ESIS: Tab E (Copy of ZC Order No. 78-A)1009/12/2018View
71F1FSIS: Tab F (Copy of ZC Order No. 78-B)909/12/2018View
81G1GSIS: Tab G (Architectural Drawings)2709/12/2018View
92 2Referral to OP109/21/2018View
103 3OP Report310/10/2018View
114 4Ltr. from Applicant - Update on ANC Conditions310/22/2018View
125 5Email from WECA Re: Support for Conditions Submitted by Applicant210/22/2018View
136 6ANC 2A Report210/22/2018View
147 7Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register112/13/2018View
158 8Z.C. Order No. 70-16C512/13/2018View
169 9Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register112/13/2018View