
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Petition Form - Text & Map Amendments112/4/2023View
22 2OP Setdown Report5112/4/2023View
32A2AAmendment to OP Setdown Report88/23/2024View
43 3Letter from Department of the Navy312/13/2023View
54 4OP's MOU 08/27/2024View
65 5Letter from the Department of the Navy Withdrawing Previous Letter (Exhibit #3)209/06/2024View
76 6WNY SE Master Plan5709/18/2024View
87 7PHN to Register110/08/2024View
98 8Public Hearing Notice1810/17/2024View
109 9Attestation: PHN110/17/2024View
11  10Affidavit of Posting311/1/2024View