
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11A1AApplication Form - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #1B110/19/2023View
21B1BUpdated Application Form111/1/2023View
32 2Statement of Intended Uses110/18/2023View
43 3List of Names and Mailing Addresses of Property Owners within 200 ft510/18/2023View
54 4Letter of Authorization110/18/2023View
65 5Burden of Proof610/18/2023View
76 6Statement of Public Outreach110/18/2023View
87 7Memo from Matt LeGrant, ZA-DOB - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #16310/18/2023View
98 8DC Surveyor's Plat110/19/2023View
109 9Color Photographs110/19/2023View
1110 10Architectural Plans and Elevations - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #18610/19/2023View
1211 11Letter of Certification111/1/2023View
1312 12Receipt111/9/2023View
1413 13BZA Notice of Virtual Public Hearing 411/16/2023View
1514 14BZA Attestation/PHN List of Referrals 111/16/2023View
1615 15Additional Elevation Sheet Requested by OP12/14/2024View
1716 16Updated Memo from Matt LeGrant, ZA-DOB302/20/2024View
1817 17OP Report602/22/2024View
1918 18Updated Architectural Plans and Elevations702/26/2024View
2019 19Neighbor Letters of Support702/26/2024View
2120 20Email from ANC Kishan Putta regarding ANC vote303/06/2024View
2221 21List of Witnesses-March 6, 2024103/06/2024View
2322 22BZA Memo - Continued Hearing on April 17, 2024103/07/2024View
2423 23Revised Memo from Matthew LeGrant, ZA-DOB - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #26303/08/2024View
2524 24ANC 2E Report23/12/2024View
2625 25Burden of Proof Additional Statement33/28/2024View
2726 26Revised Memo from Matthew LeGrant, ZA-DOB33/28/2024View
2827 27ANC 2E Report23/28/2024View
2928 28Color Photographs from Applicant (Rear Walkway-Basement Areaway)44/9/2024View
3029 29OP Supplemental Report34/10/2024View
3130 30Affidavit of Maintenance14/11/2024View
3231 31List of Witnesses-April 17, 2024104/17/2024View
3332 32Summary Order 04/23/2024View
3433 33Attestation 04/23/2024View