
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form for Modification of Consequence15/26/2023View
21A1AFiling fee receipt107/10/2023View
32 2Applicant's Statement in Support65/26/2023View
42A2ASIS: Tab A (Authorization Letter and Form 100 Signature Page)25/26/2023View
52B2BSIS: Tab B (Copy of Prior Z.C. Order No. 21-20)275/26/2023View
62C2C1SIS: Tab C1 (Updated Architectural Plans)25/26/2023View
72C2C2SIS: Tab C2 (Updated Architectural Plans)25/26/2023View
82C2C3SIS: Tab C3 (Updated Architectural Plans)35/26/2023View
92C2C4SIS: Tab C4 (Updated Architectural Plans)165/26/2023View
103 3Referral to OP105/31/2023View
114 4OP Report36/22/2023View
125 5Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Updated Floor & Site Plans37/17/2023View
135A5AUpdated Floor and Site Plans57/17/2023View
146 6ANC 6D Report207/27/2023View
157 7Applicant's Supplemental Statement59/7/2023View
168 8Proof of Publication of Order to D.C. Register112/19/2023View
179 9Z.C. Order No. 21-20A712/19/2023View
1810 10Attestation: Order No. 21-20A112/19/2023View
1911 11Filing Fee Receipt13/18/24View