
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form19/9/2022View
22 2DC Surveyor's Plat19/9/2022View
33 3Statement of Existing and Intended Use19/9/2022View
44 4Zoning Self-Certification29/9/2022View
55 5Color Photographs139/9/2022View
66 6Architectural Plans and Elevations19/9/2022View
77 7List of Names and Mailing Addresses of Property Owners within 200 Ft.19/9/2022View
88 8Burden of Proof Statement - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #23, 23A & 23B69/9/2022View
99 9Letter of Authorization19/9/2022View
1010 10Department of State Approval19/9/2022View
1111 11Mixed Use Area Determination39/9/2022View
1212 12Statement of Community Outreach19/9/2022View
1313 13Certificate of Service19/9/2022View
1414 14Certification of Proficiency19/9/2022View
1515 15Form 120 Application19/12/2022View
1616 16Receipt19/19/2022View
1717 17BZA Notice of Virtual Public Hearing 49/27/2022View
1818 18BZA Attestation/PHN List of Referrals 19/27/2022View
1919 19Elevations39/27/2022View
2020 20Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Prehearing Submissions211/9/2022View
2120A20AUpdated Mixed Use Area Determination Map111/9/2022View
2220B20BMixed Use Area Determination311/9/2022View
2321 21ANC 3C Resolution711/16/2022View
2422 22Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Updated Burden of Proof w/Attachments212/21/2022View
2523 23Updated Burden of Proof Statement1312/21/2022View
2623A23ABurden of Proof: Tab A (Mixed Use Area Statement)912/21/2022View
2723B23BBurden of Proof: Tab B (Photo Exhibit)3112/21/2022View
2824 24Request for Party Status in Opposition from Ronald W. Del Sesto Jr.612/28/2022View
2925 25Request for Party Status in Opposition from Frances Francis812/28/2022View
3026 26ANC 3C Resolution712/29/2022View
3127 27DDOT Report312/30/2022View
3228 28OP Report612/30/2022View
3329 29Proof of Publication of PHN to DC Register-1/11/2023101/03/2023View
3430 30Comments from United States Department of State201/03/2023View
3531 31Affidavit of Posting701/06/2023View
3632 32Affidavit of Maintenance101/06/2023View
3733 33Statement of Edward L. Strohbehn Jr.401/09/2023View
3834 34Written Testimony from Isle Sugarbaker301/09/2023View
3935 35Cover Letter Enclosing Written Comments from Frances E. Francis101/09/2023View
4035A35AWritten Comments from Frances E. Francis601/09/2023View
4136 36Written Statement in Opposition from Robert C. McDiarmid901/09/2023View
4237 37Letter in Opposition from Rosalyn Doggett, AICP101/09/2023View
4338 38Applicant's Request for Postponement201/09/2023View
4439 39Letter in Opposition from John Barabino201/09/2023View
4540 40Letter in Opposition from Michael Flanagan & Jocelyn Dyer401/10/2023View
4641 41Letter in Opposition from Viyas Sundaram101/10/2023View
4742 42Letter in Opposition from Diane Cunningham201/11/2023View
4843 43Letter in Opposition from Tom & Linda Veblen101/11/2023View
4944 44List of Witnesses-January 11, 2023101/11/2023View
5045 45BZA Memo - Granting Postponement to Hearing on February 15, 2023101/11/2023View
5146 46Comments from Edward Nassim101/26/2023View
5247 47Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Revised Site Plan and Aerial Photograph302/03/2023View
5347A47ARevised Site Plan and Aerial Photograph202/03/2023View
5448 48Affidavit of Maintenance12/10/2023View
5549 49Comments from Adelaide & Steven Milkovich102/10/2023View
5650 50DDOT Report32/10/2023View
5751 51Letter in Opposition from Aimee Aloi102/10/2023View
5852 52Comments from Steven Milkovich102/10/2023View
5953 53Comments in Opposition from MAHCA182/14/2023View
6053A53AComments in Opposition from MAHCA (Attachments 1-8)82/14/2023View
6153B53BComments in Opposition from MAHCCA (Attachments 9-10)22/14/2023View
6253C53CComments in Opposition from MAHCA (Attachments 11-12)22/14/2023View
6354 54Comments in Opposition from David McMaster32/14/2023View
6455 55Applicant's PowerPoint Presentation202/14/2023View
6556 56Comments in Opposition from Edward L. Strohbehn Jr.702/14/2023View
6657 57Comments in Opposition from Paul Ervin202/14/2023View
6758 58Comments in Opposition from Frances E. Francis402/14/2023View
6859 59Testimony in Opposition from Catherine S. May MD202/14/2023View
6960 60Testimony in Opposition from Jeffrey B. Maletta202/14/2023View
7061 61Comments in Opposition from Ann McMaster302/14/2023View
7161A61AComments: Tab A (Land Use Element of DC's Comprehensive Plan)202/14/2023View
7261B61BComments: Tab B (Photos)302/14/2023View
7362 62Comment in Opposition from Stephanie Silliman102/14/2023View
7463 63Comments in Opposition from Charles Ervin102/15/2023View
7564 64List of Witnesses-February 15, 2023102/15/2023View
7665 65BZA Memo - Public Decision Meeting March 1, 2023; Record closed except for documents requested102/15/2023View
7766 66Supplemental Statement from U.S. Department of State102/17/2023View
7867 67Applicant's Post-Hearing Response to FMBZA Requests for Information42/24/2023View
7968 68Affidavit of Maintenance12/24/2023View
8069 69ANC 3C's Response202/24/2023View
8170 70ANC 3C08's Response 702/28/2023View
8271 71Letter in Opposition from Councilmember Matthew Frumin33/1/2023View
8372 72Notice of Final Rulemaking and Determination and Order803/09/2023View
8473 73Attestation103/09/2023View