
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form17/28/2021View
22 2Surveyor's Plat17/28/2021View
33 3Zoning Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #3537/28/2021View
44 4Architectural Plans and Elevations - SUPERSEDED, SEE EX. 4177/28/2021View
55 5List of Names and Mailing Addresses of Property Owners within 200 Ft.107/28/2021View
66 6Statement of the Applicant - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #3697/28/2021View
77 7Letter of Authorization17/28/2021View
88 8Statement of Existing and Intended Uses17/28/2021View
99 9Color Photographs447/28/2021View
1010 10BZA Referral/PHN ANC 6C38/20/2021View
1111 11BZA Referral/PHN to ANCSMD 6C0238/20/2021View
1212 12BZA Referral to AOC18/2/2021View
1313 13BZA Referral to DCHD18/20/2021View
1414 14BZA Referral to HPO18/20/2021View
1515 15BZA Referral to OANC108/20/2021View
1616 16BZA Referral to OP18/20/2021View
1717 17BZA Referral to DDOT18/20/2021View
1818 18BZA Referral/PHN to Council of the Distric t of Columbia, Ward 638/20/2021View
1919 19BZA Referral to Council of the Distric t of Columbia, At-Large (Christina Henderson)18/20/2021View
2020 20BZA Referral to Council of the Distric t of Columbia, At-Large (Anita Bonds)18/20/2021View
2121 21BZA Referral to Council of the Distric t of Columbia, At-Large (Robert White, Jr.)18/20/2021View
2222 22BZA Referral to Chairman of the Council (Phil Mendelson)18/20/2021View
2323 23BZA PHN to Property Owner within 200 feet78/20/2021View
2424 24BZA PHN to Applicant (Zachary Williams/Venable, LLP)68/20/2021View
2525 25BZA Attestation18/20/2021View
2626 26Returned PHN209/20/2021View
2727 27Returned PHN309/27/2021View
2828 28Returned PHNs509/27/2021View
2929 29Returned PHN210/22/2021View
3030 30Returned PHN210/25/2021View
3131 31Motion to Continue Hearing for 30 Days111/12/2021View
3231A31AMemo from Hillsdale College Requesting a Continuance111/12/2021View
3332 32DDOT Report211/25/2021View
3433 33BZA Memo - Granting Postponement to Hearing March 9, 2022112/02/2021View
3534 34Returned PHN211/30/2021View
3635 35Updated Zoning Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #4421/31/2022View
3736 36Revised Statement of the Applicant101/31/2022View
3837 37Property Condition Assessment Report Drawings91/31/2022View
3938 38DC Campus HPRB Submission 10-01-2021251/31/2022View
4039 391976 Subdivision Plat11/31/2022View
4140 40FAR Analysis51/31/2022View
4241 41Revised Architectural Plans71/31/2022View
4342 42BZA Notice of Virtual Public Hearing42/2/2022View
4443 43BZA Attestation/PHN12/2/2022View
4544 44Corrected Zoning Self-Certification22/3/2022View
4645 45Proof of Publication of PHN to DC Register102/14/2022View
4746 46Returned PHN203/16/2022View
4847 47Letters in Support w/Multiple Signatures23/30/2022View
4948 48OP Report54/14/2022View
5049 49Affidavit of Posting34/19/2022View
5150 50Affidavit of Maintenance14/25/2022View
5251 51Applicant's PowerPoint Presentation194/25/2022View
5352 52ANC 6C Report104/27/2022View
5453 53List of Witnesses-April 27, 2022104/28/2022View
5554 54Summary Order405/03/2022View
5655 55Attestation105/03/2022View