
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form19/24/2020View
22 2DC Surveyor's Plat - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #67A19/24/2020View
33 3Statement of Existing and Intended Use - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #7419/24/2020View
44 4Zoning Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED, SEE EX. 45B29/24/2020View
55 5Color Photographs219/24/2020View
66 6Architectural Plans and Elevations - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #67C149/24/2020View
77 7List of Names and Mailing Addresses of Property Owners within 200 Ft.39/24/2020View
88 8Applicant's Statement99/24/2020View
99 9Certification of Proficiency19/24/2020View
1010 10Certificate of Service19/24/2020View
1111 11Statement of Community Outreach19/24/2020View
1212 12Letter of Authorization19/24/2020View
1313 13Letter from Capitol Hill Restoration Society Historic Preservation Committee212/7/2020View
1414 14BZA Referral/PHN to ANC 6A312/15/2020View
1515 15BZA Referral/PHN to ANCSMD 6A05312/15/2020View
1616 16BZA Referral to DPW112/15/2020View
1717 17BZA Referral to DC Water112/15/2020View
1818 18BZA Referral to FEMS112/15/2020View
1919 19BZA Referral to MPD112/15/2020View
2020 20BZA Referral to OANC112/15/2020View
2121 21BZA Referral to OP112/15/2020View
2222 22BZA Referral to DDOT112/15/2020View
2323 23BZA Referral/PHN to Council of the District of Columbia, Ward 6312/15/2020View
2424 24BZA Referral to Council of the District of Columbia, At-Large (David Grosso)112/15/2020View
2525 25BZA Referral to Council of the District of Columbia, At-Large (Anita Bonds)112/15/2020View
2626 26BZA Referral to Council of the District of Columbia, At-Large (Robert White, Jr.)112/15/2020View
2727 27BZA Referral to Chairman of the Council (Phil Mendelson)112/15/2020View
2828 28BZA PHN to Property Owner within 200 feet712/15/2020View
2929 29BZA PHN to Applicant (Martin Sullivan/ Sullivan & Barros)612/15/2020View
3030 30Applicant's Request for Postponement21/29/2021View
3131 31Request for Party Status from Vanessa Cieslak & Garland Kevin Holloway102/08/2021View
3231A31AStatement in Support of Party Status Application from Cieslak and Holloway302/09/2021View
3331B31BCertificate of Service from Vanessa Cieslak - re Party Status Application102/09/2021View
3432 32Request for Party Status from Thomas Sheeran and Theresa Harrison - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #3752/9/2021View
3533 33DDOT Report22/10/2021View
3634 34Request for Party Status from Darrin Howell & MaryJoy Ballantyne12/10/2021View
3734A34AStatement in Support of Party Status Application from Darrin Howell & MaryJoy Ballantyne52/10/2021View
3835 35Request for Party Status from Winfield Wilson & Veena Srinivasa102/11/2021View
3935A35AStatement in Support of Party Status Request from Winfield Wilson & Veena Srinivasa502/11/2021View
4036 36Request for Party Status from Randi Spivak & Andy Kerr102/11/2021View
4136A36AStatement in Support of Party Status Request from Randi Spivak & Andy Kerr502/11/2021View
4237 37Updated Request for Party Status from Thomas Sheeran & Theresa Harrison502/11/2021View
4338 38Applicant's Response to Party Status Requests22/16/2021View
4439 39Returned PHN202/16/2021View
4540 40BZA Memo - Party Status Meeting on Feb 24th & Hearing Postponed to April 14, 2021102/16/2021View
4641 41List of Witnesses - February 24, 2021102/25/2021View
4742 42BZA Memo - Decision on Party Status; Documents Requested; Hearing April 14, 2021 through Webex102/25/2021View
4843 43Motion to Request 5 day Continuance from Parties in Opposition33/8/2021View
4944 44Parties in Opposition Joint Statement303/16/2021View
5045 45Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Prehearing Statement, Shadow Study and Revised Zoning Self-Certification23/24/2021View
5145A45ADraft Prehearing Statement83/24/2021View
5245B45BReivsed Zoning Self-Certification (Removing Relief from E-5000.4) - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #7323/24/2021View
5345C45CShadow Study - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #67B103/24/2021View
5446 46Returned PHN203/25/2021View
5547 47OP Report64/1/2021View
5648 48Affidavit of Posting54/8/2021View
5749 49Affidavit of Maintenance14/8/2021View
5850 50Form 150 - Waive Filing Deadline14/8/2021View
5951 51Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing 2nd Prehearing Submission24/8/2021View
6051A51ARevised Architectural Plans and Elevations - with Window Design Updates - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #67C144/8/2021View
6152 52ANC 6A Report104/12/2021View
6253 53Letter in Opposition from Kristen Sloan204/12/2021View
6354 54Comments from CHRS14/12/2021View
6455 55Form 150 Motion to Strike Certain Drawings24/12/2021View
6555A55AStatement Justifying Motion to Strike Certain Drawings164/12/2021View
6656 56Letter in Opposition from Dominique Vobis104/13/2021View
6757 57Letter in Opposition from James and Adina Wadsworth14/13/2021View
6858 58Letter in Opposition from Jeff Watson14/13/2021View
6959 59Letter in Opposition from Jim Gregory14/13/2021View
7060 60Neighbor Opposition Letters84/13/2021View
7161 61Letter in Opposition from Daniel Glucksman204/13/2021View
7262 62Applicant's PowerPoint Presentation224/13/2021View
7363 63Parties in Opposition PowerPoint Presentation474/13/2021View
7464 64Applicant's 2nd Request for Postponement24/13/2021View
7565 65BZA Memo - Postponed to Virtual Public Hearing on June 16, 2021104/15/2021View
7666 66Referral to CFA104/19/2021View
7767 67Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Supplemental Statement45/12/2021View
7867A67ASupplemental Statement: Tab A (Revised DC Surveyor's Plat) - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #7115/12/2021View
7967B67BSupplemental Statement: Tab B (Updated Shadow Study) - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #72105/12/2021View
8067C67CSupplemental Statement: Tab C (Revised Architectural Plans) - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #70145/12/2021View
8168 68Parties in Opposition Response to Applicant's Supplemental Submission36/2/2021View
8269 69Applicant’s Response to Letter from Parties in Opposition36/9/2021View
8370 70Revised Architectural Plans and Elevations136/9/2021View
8471 71Revised DC Surveyor's Plat16/9/2021View
8572 72Revised Sun Studies136/9/2021View
8673 73Revised Zoning Self-Certification26/9/2021View
8774 74Updated Statement of Existing and Intended Use16/9/2021View
8875 75Request to Postpone from Parties in Opposition - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #7616/12/2021View
8975A75ALetter from Parties in Opposition Requesting to Postpone Hearing - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #76A36/12/2021View
9076 76Parties in Opposition Form 150 Motion to Postpone and Motion to Strike (supercedes June 11, 2021 Form 150) (June 14, 2021)26/14/2021View
9176A76AParties in Opposition Motion to Postpone and Motion to Strike (supercedes June 11, 2021 motion to postpone) (June 14, 2021)46/14/2021View
9276B76BRequest to Accept Untimely Filing46/15/2021View
9377 77Applicant's Response to Request to Postpone26/14/2021View
9478 78Applicant's PowerPoint Presentation306/14/2021View
9579 79Parties in Opposition PowerPoint Presentation476/15/2021View
9680 80Applicant's UPDATED PowerPoint Presentation336/15/2021View
9781 81List of Witnesses-June 16, 2021106/17/2021View
9882 82BZA Memo granting Postponement to Virtual Public Hearing on June 23, 2021106/17/2021View
9983 83Parties in Opposition PowerPoint Presentation366/22/2021View
10084 84Parties in Opposition Form 150 Motion to Strike26/22/2021View
10185 85Parties in Opposition Motion to Strike (June 23, 2021)106/22/2021View
10286 86List of Witnesses-April 14, 2021106/22/2021View
10387 87PIO Sample Corrected Architectural Plans136/22/2021View
10488 88List of Witnesses-June 23, 2021106/24/2021View
10589 89BZA Memo - Public Meeting July 14, 2021 & Documents Requested106/24/2021View
10690 90Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Fowler Perspectives26/30/2021View
10790A90AFowler Perspectives46/30/2021View
10891 91Cover Letter from Parties in Opposition in Response to Applicant's 3D SketchUp Drawings (July 7 2021)27/7/2021View
10991A91AParties in Opposition Response to Applicant's 3D SketchUp Drawings (July 7 2021)97/7/2021View
11092 92Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Posthearing Filing27/9/2021View
11192A92AFowler Garage Perspective with Dimension Combined37/9/2021View
11293 93Form 150 Motion to Late File Corrections to Applicant's 3D Drawings in Exhibits 90A and 93A (July 13, 2021)27/13/2021View
11393A93AParties in Opposition Corrections to Applicant's 3D Drawings Exhibits 90A and 93A (July 13, 2021)147/13/2021View
11493B93BPIO Letter in Support of Motion to Late File Corrections to Applicant's 3D Drawings Exhibits 90A and 93A (July 13, 2021)17/13/2021View
11594 94Returned PHNs409/20/2021View
11695 95Decision and Order 09/13/2022View
11796 96Attestation 09/13/2022View