
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form11/3/2020View
22 2Statement of Issues on Appeal31/3/2020View
33 3Building Permit B180445821/3/2020View
44 4Certificate of Service11/3/2020View
55 5Statement Demonstrating How Appeal Meets Jurisdictional Requirements of Timeliness41/3/2020View
66 6Statement as to How the Appellant has Standing11/3/2020View
77 7Evidence and Witnesses11/3/2020View
88 8NO ANC Relating to this Appeal11/3/2020View
99 9Receipt.pdf11/14/2020View
1010 10BZA Referral/PHN to ANC 4C202/03/2020View
1111 11BZA Referral/PHN to ANCSMD 4C01202/03/2020View
1212 12BZA Referral to OANC102/03/2020View
1313 13BZA Referral to OP102/03/2020View
1414 14BZA Referral/PHN to DCRA202/03/2020View
1515 15BZA Referral/PHN to Council of the District of Columbia, Ward 4202/03/2020View
1616 16BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (David Grosso)102/03/2020View
1717 17BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Anita Bonds)102/03/2020View
1818 18BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Robert White, Jr.)102/03/2020View
1919 19BZA Referral to Chairman of the Council (Phil Mendelson)102/03/2020View
2020 20BZA PHN to Appellant (David W. Brown/Knopf & Brown)202/03/2020View
2121 21BZA PHN to Property Owner (Madison Heights, LLC)202/03/2020View
2222 22Returned PHN202/25/2020View
2323 23COS - PowerPoint Presentation13/6/2020View
2424 24Appellant's PowerPoint Presentation403/6/2020View
2525 25DCRA's Consent Motion for Leave to File Late303/13/2020View
2626 26DCRA's Prehearing Statement - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #32703/13/2020View
2726A26ADCRA's Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Guidance Document - Ex. 1)203/13/2020View
2826B26BDCRA's Prehearing Statement: Tab B (Architectural Plans and Elevations - Ex. 2)1003/13/2020View
2927 27OZ Memorandum Regarding Suspended March 18 Hearing103/13/2020View
3028A28A1Appellant's Revised PowerPoint Presentation (Part 1)1504/07/2020View
3128A28A2Appellant's Revised PowerPoint Presentation (Part 2)2004/07/2020View
3229 29Certificate of Service - Revised PowerPoint Presentation104/07/2020View
3330 30Notice to Appellant & Parties - BZA Virtual Public Hearing June 10, 2020 through Webex205/27/2020View
3431 31Instructions for Accessing Webex - BZA Virtual Hearing June 10, 2020205/27/2020View
3532 32Amended DCRA's Prehearing Statement706/04/2020View
3632A32AAmended Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Guidance Document)206/04/2020View
3732B32BAmended Prehearing Statement: Tab B (Architectural Plans)1006/04/2020View
3833 33Email from M. Mdaw16/8/2020View
3934 34Letter of Authorization16/8/2020View
4035 35Appellant's Final Revision of PowerPoint Presentation 346/8/2020View
4136 36Certificate of Service16/8/2020View
4237 37DCRA's PowerPoint Presentation1506/09/2020View
4338 38Witness List - June 10 Virtual Hearing106/11/2020View
4439 39Notice of Virtual Public Meeting July 1, 2020 & Documents Requested206/11/2020View
4540 40DCRA's Supplemental Statement506/18/2020View
4640A40ADCRA's Supplemental Statement: Tab A (Demolition v Raze for Zoning Purposes)206/18/2020View
4740B40BDCRA's Supplemental Statement: Tab B (Sheet D102)106/18/2020View
4840C40CDCRA's Supplemental Statement: Tab C (Email from Office of ZA to ZC)206/18/2020View
4941 41Appellant's Response to 6/17/20 DCRA Supplement36/23/2020View
5042 42Order Reversing the Zoning Administrator's Determination907/24/2020View
5143 43Attestation107/24/2020View