
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form18/7/2019View
22 2DC Surveyor's Plat18/7/2019View
33 3Statement of Existing and Intended Use - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #1518/7/2019View
44 4Zoning Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #12428/7/2019View
55 5Color Photographs58/7/2019View
66 6Architectural Plans and Elevations38/7/2019View
77 7List of Names and Mailing Addresses of Property Owners within 200 Feet38/7/2019View
88 8Applicant's Statement - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #12388/7/2019View
99 9Letter of Authorization - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #1618/7/2019View
1010 10Certification of Proficiency18/7/2019View
1111 11Certificate of Service18/7/2019View
1212 12Certificates of Occupancy68/7/2019View
1313 13Copy of BZA Order No. 1124828/7/2019View
1414 14Statement of Community Outreach18/7/2019View
1515 15Updated Statement of Existing and Intended Use18/13/2019View
1616 16Updated Letter of Authorization18/14/2019View
1717 17Form 120 Application18/14/2019View
1818 18Receipt18/16/2019View
1919 19BZA Referral/PHN to ANC 2E209/04/2019View
2020 20BZA Referral/PHN to ANCSMD 2E03209/04/2019View
2121 21BZA Referral to CFA209/04/2019View
2222 22BZA Referral to OANC109/04/2019View
2323 23BZA Referral to OP109/04/2019View
2424 24BZA Referral to DDOT109/04/2019View
2525 25BZA Referral/PHN to Council of the District of Columbia, Ward 2209/04/2019View
2626 26BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Elissa Silverman)109/04/2019View
2727 27 BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (David Grosso)109/04/2019View
2828 28 BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Anita Bonds)109/04/2019View
2929 29 BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Robert White, Jr.)109/04/2019View
3030 30 BZA Referral to Chairman of the Council (Phil Mendelson)109/04/2019View
3131 31BZA PHN to Property Owner within 200 feet409/04/2019View
3232 32BZA PHN to Applicant (Martin P. Sullivan)209/04/2019View
3333 33Comments from Citizens Association of Georgetown110/02/2019View
3434 34Returned PHN210/04/2019View
3535 35Prehearing Statement1010/9/2019View
3636 36Request for Party Status in Opposition from Melinda Roth510/15/2019View
3737 37DDOT Report210/16/2019View
3838 38ANC 2E Report110/17/2019View
3939 39OP Report310/18/2019View
4040 40Letter from Councilmember Jack Evans210/21/2019View
4141 41Letter in Opposition from Rick Murphy, Chair ANC 2E210/22/2019View
4242 42Letter in Opposition from M de Rosmorduc110/23/2019View
4343 43Letter in Support from Amanda Howard110/23/2019View
4444 44Letter in Support from Rebecca Bennett110/23/2019View
4545 45Letter in Support from Scott Suhy & Nancy Carpenter210/23/2019View
4646 46Letter in Opposition from Rosalie Hunter110/24/2019View
4747 47Letter in Support from Sandra Masur110/24/2019View
4848 48Letter in Opposition from Denzil Martin310/24/2019View
4949 49Letter in Opposition from Michael R. Savage310/25/2019View
5050 50PowerPoint Presentation by Michael Savage710/25/2019View
5151 51Letter in Opposition from Nadir Rehman110/25/2019View
5252 52Affidavit of Posting510/25/2019View
5353 53Affidavit of Maintenance110/25/2019View
5454 54Letter in Opposition from Nancy E. Rehman110/25/2019View
5555 55Letter in Opposition from Vinod & Nessa Busjeet110/28/2019View
5656 56Letter in Support from Stephen Laycock110/28/2019View
5757 57Letter in Opposition from Jayne H. Plank110/28/2019View
5858 58Letter in Opposition from Sam Brumbaugh210/28/2019View
5959 59Letter in Support Joshua Bernstein110/28/2019View
6060 60Letter in Opposition from Marie-Louise Caravatti610/29/2019View
6161 61Letter in Opposition from Lee Allard and Anthony DeWitt110/29/2019View
6262 62Letter in Opposition from Anne McGuire110/29/2019View
6363 63Letter in Opposition from Connor Roth110/29/2019View
6464 64Letter in Support from Brian Cox110/29/2019View
6565 65Letter in Support from Jill Smith110/29/2019View
6666 66Letter in Support from Russ LaMotte110/29/2019View
6767 67Letter in Support from Nick Boyle110/29/2019View
6868 68Letter in Support from Dennis Kenney110/29/2019View
6969 69Letter in Support from Marnie Kenney110/29/2019View
7070 70Letter in Support from Amy Kauffman110/29/2019View
7171 71Applicant's PowerPoint Presentation - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #731010/29/2019View
7272 72Letter in Support from 1408 35th St NW110/29/2019View
7373 73Applicant's Revised PowerPoint Presentation1110/29/2019View
7474 74Letter in Support from Carol Bassam110/29/2019View
7575 75Letter in Support from Cacilie Horvath110/29/2019View
7676 76Letter in Support from Stephen Holt110/29/2019View
7777 77Letter in Support from Carol Ann110/29/2019View
7878 78Letter in Support from Colman Riddell110/29/2019View
7979 79Letter in Support from Fran Barnes110/29/2019View
8080 80Letter in Support from Tia Lotuff110/29/2019View
8181 81Letter in Opposition from Melinda Roth410/30/2019View
8282 82Letter in Opposition from Joel S. Hellman210/30/2019View
8383 83Letter in Support from Russell & Randy Katz110/30/2019View
8484 84Letter in Opposition from Kim and Ben110/30/2019View
8585 85Letter in Opposition from Brendan Dignan110/30/2019View
8686 86Letter in Opposition from Elizabeth Farrell110/30/2019View
8787 87Letter in Opposition from Emma Allmond110/30/2019View
8888 88Letter in Opposition from Dr. Peter Krogh110/30/2019View
8989 89PowerPoint Presentation in Opposition1010/30/2019View
9090 90Prehearing Statement in Opposition1010/30/2019View
9190A90AExhibits to Prehearing Statement in Opposition810/30/2019View
9291 91Letter in Support from Claire Joyce110/30/2019View
9392 92Letter in Opposition from Liz & Martin Evans110/30/2019View
9493 93Letter in Support from Elisabeth LaMotte110/30/2019View
9594 94Letter in Support from Janice F. Day110/30/2019View
9695 95Visual Presented by Brendan Dignan in Testimony110/30/2019View
9796 96Witness Cards210/30/2019View
9897 97BZA Memo re Continued Limited Hearing on December 4, 2019 & Documents Requested110/31/2019View
9998 98Letter in Support from Laura Will110/30/2019View
10099 99Letter in Opposition from Helen R. DuBois110/31/2019View
101100 100Letter in Opposition from Peter & Laura Morreale and Liz & Martin Evans210/31/2019View
102101 101Letter in Support from Carrington Tarr110/31/2019View
103102 102Ltr. in Support from Adam Metz111/04/2019View
104103 103Letter in Support from Scott Spector111/04/2019View
105104 104Letter in Support from Jacqueline Coombe111/04/2019View
106105 105Letter in Support from Jason F. Cunningham111/04/2019View
107106 106Letter in Support from John Coombe111/04/2019View
108107 107Letter in Support from Marc Duber111/04/2019View
109108 108Letter in Support from Lisa Bernstein111/04/2019View
110109 109Letter in Support from Allan Holt111/04/2019View
111110 110Letter in Support from Joshua B. Bernstein111/04/2019View
112111 111Letter in Support from Christopher B. Wilkinson111/12/2019View
113112 112Addendum to Letter in Opposition from Peter & Laura Morreale and Liz & Martin Evans211/12/2019View
114113 113Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Post-hearing Statement311/22/2019View
115113A113APost-hearing Statement: Tab A (Line Diagram & Photos of Line)511/22/2019View
116113B113BPost-hearing Statement: Tab B (Property Owner Statement)1511/22/2019View
117113C113CPost-hearing Statement: Tab C (Permitted and Proposed Use)111/22/2019View
118114 114ANC 2E Report111/25/2019View
119115 115Color Photographs of Crane Used on Location811/26/2019View
120116 116Color Photographs of Illegal Parking by Contractors411/26/2019View
121117 117OP Supplemental Report211/27/2019View
122118 118Comments in Support from Christi Cline112/03/2019View
123119 119Letter in Opposition from Melinda Roth412/04/2019View
124120 120Comments in Support from Lisa Palmer, Commissioner ANC 2E05212/04/2019View
125121 121BZA Memo re Continued Limited Hearing on December 11, 2019 & Documents Requested112/04/2019View
126122 122Witness Cards212/04/2019View
127123 123Revised Applicant's Statement712/5/2019View
128124 124Revised Self-Certification212/5/2019View
129125 125Letter in Support from Mandi Howard112/09/2019View
130126 126Second OP Supplemental Report212/9/2019View
131127 127Letter from Melinda Roth in Opposition to Denial of Party Status112/10/2019View
132128 128Letter in Opposition from Karen Tammany Cruse212/11/2019View
133129 129Letter in Opposition from Virginia Vogel and Nabeel Audeh212/11/2019View
134130 130Report on ZC case #08-06A by ANC 2E submitted by opposition412/11/2019View
135131 131Brief in Opposition from Numerous Neighbors712/11/2019View
136132 132Email in Opposition from Kimberly Panozzo212/11/2019View
137133 133Burden of Proof for Area Variance Not Met312/11/2019View
138134 134Opposition Brief from Michael Savage712/11/2019View
139134A134AANC 2E Report for ZC Case 08-06A412/11/2019View
140134B134BExcerpt from ZC Case 08-06A Order312/11/2019View
141135 135Witness Cards312/11/2019View
142136 136BZA Memo re Continued Hearing to January 15, 2020 & Documents Requested112/13/2019View
143137 137Letter in Opposition from Dr. Julian Latimer Clarke212/16/2019View
144138 138Motion for Continuance from Melinda Roth512/19/2019View
145139 139Letter in Opposition from Nabil and Caroline Emad212/27/2019View
146140 140Response to Party Status' Request to Postpone512/30/2019View
147141 141BZA Memo re Extension of Submission Deadlines112/30/2019View
148142 142Opposition Brief1401/08/2020View
149142A142AOpposition Brief: Tab A (Failure to Establish Uniqueness)401/08/2020View
150142B142BOpposition Brief: Tab B (BZA Precedent Deli Cases)301/08/2020View
151142C142COpposition Brief: Tab C (Measurements)401/08/2020View
152142D142DOpposition Brief: Tab D (ANC/CAG/OP and ZC Rulings on 750 ft. Rule)801/08/2020View
153142E142EOpposition Brief: Tab E (Adjacent Property Owners Statements)101/08/2020View
154142F142FOpposition Brief: Tab F (Harm to Neighbors/Neighborhood)601/08/2020View
155143 143Letter in Support from 1325 35th St. NW101/08/2020View
156144 144Letter in Support from Tommy Moran101/08/2020View
157145 145Letter in Support from Rigoberto Landa101/08/2020View
158146 146Letter in Support from Michael Pillsbury101/08/2020View
159147 147Letter in Support from Gerrit Meents101/08/2020View
160148 148Letter in Support from William Brubaker101/08/2020View
161149 149Letter in Support from 3271 Prospect St. NW101/08/2020View
162150 150Letter in Support from Pajit Habananda101/08/2020View
163151 151ANC 2E Report201/14/2020View
164152 152Response to Submission of Party Opponent61/14/2020View
165152A152AResponse to Submission: Tab A (Authorization Letter - Owner of the Property)11/14/2020View
166152B152BResponse to Submission: Tab B (BZA 18263-B - Self-Certification)161/14/2020View
167152C152CResponse to Submission: Tab C (Testimony by Andrew Dana)61/14/2020View
168153 153Email Comments from Kimberly Panozzo201/15/2020View
169154 154Comments from Karen Cruse101/15/2020View
170155 155Witness Cards201/15/2020View
171156 156Decision and Order2706/16/2020View
172157 157Attestation106/16/2020View
173158 158Request for Rehearing from Melinda Roth406/19/2020View
174158A158ARequest for Rehearing: Tab A (Diagram)506/19/2020View
175159 159Applicant's Response to Motion for Rehearing406/29/2020View
176160 160BZA Memo - Notice of Virtual Public Meeting on July 15, 2020 through Webex - re Motion for Rehearing107/10/2020View
177161 161Procedural Order on Remand512/04/2023View
178162 162Attestation112/04/2023View
179163 163Submission on Remand from Party in Opposition2201/10/2024View
180164 164Applicant's Submission in Response to Procedural Order on Remand1701/10/2024View
181165 165Motion to Strike Party in Opposition's Submission in Response to the Procedural Order on Remand201/30/2024View
182166 166Motion to Strike Applicant's Submission in Response to the Procedural Order on Remand from Melinda Roth201/30/2024View
183167 167BZA Memo - Decision on Remand Set for Public Meeting February 14, 2024102/05/2024View
184168 168List of Witnesses-January 31, 2024101/31/2024View
185169 169Email from Chairman Mendelson dated 5/1/2024205/01/2024View