
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #11104/26/2019View
22 2DC Surveyor's Plat - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #31104/26/2019View
33 3Zoning Self Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #29204/26/2019View
44 4Color Photographs304/26/2019View
55 5Architectural Plans and Elevations - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #331704/26/2019View
66 6List of Names and Mailing Addresses of Property Owners within 200 Feet304/26/2019View
77 7Statement of Explanation and Reason - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #32404/26/2019View
88 8Letter to the Commissioner104/26/2019View
99 9Letter of Authorization - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #85104/26/2019View
1010 10Letter to the Neighbor504/26/2019View
1111 11Updated Form 120 - Application - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #30104/26/2019View
1212 12Receipt105/14/2019View
1313 13BZA Referral/PHN to ANC 7C205/22/2019View
1414 14BZA Referral/PHN to ANCSMD 7C01205/22/2019View
1515 15BZA Referral to DCDPR105/22/2019View
1616 16BZA Referral to DME105/22/2019View
1717 17BZA Referral to OANC105/22/2019View
1818 18BZA Referral to OP105/22/2019View
1919 19BZA Referral to DDOT105/22/2019View
2020 20BZA Referral/PHN to Council of the District of Columbia, Ward 7205/22/2019View
2121 21BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Elissa Silverman)105/22/2019View
2222 22BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (David Grosso)105/22/2019View
2323 23BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Anita Bonds)105/22/2019View
2424 24BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Robert White, Jr.)105/22/2019View
2525 25BZA Referral to Chairman of the Council (Phil Mendelson)105/22/2019View
2626 26BZA PHN to Property Owner within 200 feet305/22/2019View
2727 27BZA PHN to Applicant (RUPSHA 2011 LLC)205/22/2019View
2828 28Renderings26/13/2019View
2929 29Revised Zoning Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #8328/20/2019View
3030 30Revised Form 120 - Application - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #8218/20/2019View
3131 31Revised DC Surveyor's Plat18/20/2019View
3232 32Revised Statement of Explanation and Reason - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #8458/20/2019View
3333 33Revised Architectural Plans and Elevations - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #80168/21/2019View
3434 342nd Revised Architectural Plans and Elevations168/22/2019View
3535 35Affidavit of Posting38/22/2019View
3636 363rd Revised Architectural Plans and Elevations178/22/2019View
3737 37Postponement Request from ANC 7C108/28/2019View
3838 38OP Report48/29/2019View
3939 39Request from ANC 7C's Request for Postponement Until October208/30/2019View
4040 40BZA Fee Calculator Form29/3/2019View
4141 41DDOT Report309/03/2019View
4242 42Receipt19/5/2019View
4343 43OP Report49/5/2019View
4444 44BZA Memo Rescheduling Hearing from Sept 11 to October 23, 2019109/09/2019View
4545 45BZA Referral/PHN to ANC 7C209/10/2019View
4646 46BZA Referral/PHN to ANCSMD 7C01209/10/2019View
4747 47BZA Referral to DCDPR109/10/2019View
4848 48BZA Referral to DME109/10/2019View
4949 49BZA Referral to OANC109/10/2019View
5050 50BZA Referral to OP109/10/2019View
5151 51BZA Referral to DDOT109/10/2019View
5252 52BZA Referral/PHN to Council of the District of Columbia, Ward 7209/10/2019View
5353 53BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large ( Elissa Silverman)109/10/2019View
5454 54BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (David Grosso)109/10/2019View
5555 55 BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Anita Bonds)109/10/2019View
5656 56 BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large (Robert White, Jr.)109/10/2019View
5757 57 BZA Referral to Chairman of the Council (Phil Mendelson)109/10/2019View
5858 58BZA PHN to Property Owner within 200 feet409/10/2019View
5959 59BZA PHN to Applicant (RUPSHA 2011 LLC)209/10/2019View
6060 60Returned PHNs410/04/2019View
6161 61Affidavit of Posting with New Hearing Date310/7/2019View
6262 62Returned PHN210/07/2019View
6363 63Affidavit Of Maintenance210/13/2019View
6464 64Returned PHN210/11/2019View
6565 65ANC 7C Report110/16/2019View
6666 66Second Affidavit of Maintenance310/18/2019View
6767 67Certificate of Service110/22/2019View
6868 68Request for Reschedule the Hearing110/22/2019View
6969 69Email to SMD7C01 Re: Request for Reschedule the Hearing110/22/2019View
7070 70Email to ANC7C Re:Request for Reschedule the Hearing110/22/2019View
7171 71Testimony in Opposition from Ms. Pamela R. Schools610/23/2019View
7272 72Witness Cards210/23/2019View
7373 73Witness Cards210/23/2019View
7474 74BZA Memorandum granting Postponement to January 15, 2020 and Requesting Documents210/24/2019View
7575 75Returned PHN211/04/2019View
7676 76Returned PHN211/22/2019View
7777 77Applicant's Request to Reschedule Hearing112/4/2019View
7878 78Certificate of Service112/4/2019View
7979 79BZA Memo Granting Postponement to March 25, 2020 & Documents Requested112/13/2019View
8080 80Revised Architectural Plans and Elevations - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #1001112/19/2019View
8181 81Revised Landscape Plan - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #101612/19/2019View
8282 82Revised Form 120 Application112/19/2019View
8383 83Revised Zoning Self-Certification212/19/2019View
8484 84Revised Statement of Explanation and Reason412/19/2019View
8585 85Revised Letter of Authorization112/19/2019View
8686 86Letter to the Neighbor and Certified Mail Receipts1212/19/2019View
8787 87Affidavit of Posting21/3/2020View
8888 88Affidavit Of Maintenance33/15/2020View
8989 89OZ Memorandum Regarding Suspended March 25 Hearing103/16/2020View
9090 90Notice to Applicant & Parties - BZA Virtual Hearing June 17, 2020 Through Webex405/22/2020View
9191 91Instructions for Accessing Webex - BZA Hearing205/22/2020View
9292 92Returned PHN205/21/2020View
9393 93Affidavit of Posting26/3/2020View
9494 94Notice to Applicant & Parties - BZA Virtual Public Hearing June 17, 2020 through Webex206/05/2020View
9595 95Instructions for Accessing Webex - BZA Virtual Public Hearing June 17, 2020206/05/2020View
9696 96Affidavit Of Maintenance26/8/2020View
9797 972nd Affidavit Of Maintenance36/12/2020View
9898 98BZA Memo noting Virtual Public Meeting of July 1, 2020 & Documents Requested206/18/2020View
9999 99Witness List - June 17 Hearing106/18/2020View
100100 100Revised Architectural Plan & Elevation116/19/2020View
101101 101Revised Landscape Plan66/19/2020View
102102 102Request from ANC 7C for Additional Time for Review106/22/2020View
103103 103ANC 7C Report206/26/2020View
104104 104BZA Memo to File - Rescheduled Virtual Public Meeting on July 22, 2020 through Webex 07/02/2020View
105105 105Affidavit Of Maintenance37/13/2020View
106106 106ANC 7C Report707/16/2020View
107107 107Affidavit Of Maintenance37/17/2020View
108108 108Cover Letter Enclosing Proposed Order104/18/2022View
109108A108AProposed Decision and Order1204/18/2022View
110108B108BAttestation: Proposed Order104/18/2022View
111109 109Decision and Order1205/17/2022View
112110 110Attestation105/17/2022View