
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form104/11/2018View
22 2Fee Calculator Form104/11/2018View
33 3Statement of Community Outreach104/11/2018View
44 4List of Names and Mailing Addresses of Property Owners within 200 Feet204/11/2018View
55 5Applicants Statement604/11/2018View
66 6Letter of Authorization104/11/2018View
77 7Certificate of Service OP and ANC 4C03104/11/2018View
88 8Certification of Proficiency104/11/2018View
99 9Color Photographs304/11/2018View
1010 10Architectural Plans and Elevations1004/11/2018View
1111 11DC Surveyor's Plat104/11/2018View
1212 12Zoning Self-Certification204/11/2018View
1313 13Statement of Intended Use104/11/2018View
1414 14Copy of Filing Fee Check104/12/2018View
1515 15BZA Referral & Notice of Public Hearing to ANC 4C204/20/2018View
1616 16BZA Referral & Notice of Public Hearing to ANCSMD 4C03204/20/2018View
1717 17BZA Referral to OANC 104/20/2018View
1818 18BZA Referral to OP104/20/2018View
1919 19BZA Referral to DDOT104/20/2018View
2020 20BZA Referral & Notice of Public Hearing to Council of the District of Columbia, Ward 4204/20/2018View
2121 21BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large - (Elissa Silverman)104/20/2018View
2222 22BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large - ( David Grosso)104/20/2018View
2323 23BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large - (Anita Bonds)104/20/2018View
2424 24BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large - ( Robert White, Jr.)104/20/2018View
2525 25BZA Referral to Chairman of the Council - ( Phil Mendelson)104/20/2018View
2626 26BZA Notice of Public Hearing to Property Owner within 200 feet.304/20/2018View
2727 27BZA Notice of Public Hearing to Applicant - ( Martin Sullivan)204/20/2018View
2828 28Returned PHN205/08/2018View
2929 29Letter in Opposition from Jane Bush305/14/2018View
3030 30DDOT Report205/16/2018View
3130 30Letter from Cecilia Waldeck Requesting Further Information205/16/2018View
3231 31Letter in Opposition from Charles Smith and Patricia Lute305/17/2018View
3332 32Letter in Opposition from Henrik Weng105/23/2018View
3433 33OP Report605/24/2018View
3534 34Letter in Opposition from Cecilia Waldeck1105/30/2018View
3635 35Petition in Opposition305/30/2018View
3736 36ANC 4C Report105/30/2018View
3837 37Testimony of Susie King205/31/2018View
3938 38Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Additional Submission206/01/2018View
4038A38AColored Plans - No Changes806/01/2018View
4138B38BAdditional Photographs906/01/2018View
4238C38CRendering - View from Street106/01/2018View
4339 39Affidavit of Posting306/01/2018View
4440 40OP Supplemental Report406/04/2018View
4541 41Comments from St. George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church106/05/2018View
4642 42Letter in Opposition from Miriam A. Young206/05/2018View
4743 43Letter in Opposition from Brian Miller106/05/2018View
4844 44Letter in Opposition from John Stokes206/05/2018View
4945 45Comments from Jonah Goodman 206/05/2018View
5046 46Petition in Opposition206/05/2018View
5147 47Letter in Opposition from John Nullmeyer206/06/2018View
5248 48Attestation of Notices106/06/2018View
5349 49Testimony of Charles Smith306/06/2018View
5450 50Testimony of Jane Bush306/06/2018View
5551 51Testimony of Cecelia Waldeck206/06/2018View
5652 52Testimony of John A. Stokes206/06/2018View
5753 53Applicant's PowerPoint Presentation2206/07/2018View
5854 54Witness Cards206/06/2018View
5955 55Cover Letter from Applicant Enclosing Post-Hearing Submission106/11/2018View
6055A55APost-Hearing Submission: Tab A (Revised 3 Unit Shadow Study)306/11/2018View
6155B55BPost-Hearing Submission: Tab B (Rear View with Privacy Screens)106/11/2018View
6256 56ANC 4C's Request to Postpone Decision106/19/2018View
6357 57Agreement Between AMT-Varnum LLC and DCRA507/16/2018View
6458 58ANC 4C's Response to Applicant's Post-Hearing Submission207/16/2018View
6559 59Draft Order712/03/2018View
6660 60Decision and Order901/23/2019View
6761 61Attestation101/23/2019View