
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Letters of Support1402/07/2018View
22 2Certification and Pledge of Notification Efforts202/07/2018View
33 3Architectural Plans and Elevations - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #44A1 & 44A22102/07/2018View
44 4Zoning Calculations Tables202/07/2018View
55 5Statement of Existing and Intended Uses102/07/2018View
66 6Statement of the Applicant - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #451402/07/2018View
77 7Color Photographs402/07/2018View
88 8List of Names and Addresses of Property Owners within 200 Feet402/07/2018View
99 9Names and Addresses of Lessees102/07/2018View
1010 10Certificate of Occupancy102/07/2018View
1111 11Expert Witness List and Resumes802/07/2018View
1212 12Witness List and Summary of Witness Testimony102/07/2018View
1313 13Transit Information602/07/2018View
1414 14Zoning Map302/07/2018View
1515 15Letter from The Traffic Group102/07/2018View
1616 16Application Form - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #50102/07/2018View
1717 17Fee Calculator Form - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #52102/07/2018View
1818 18Certificate of Service102/07/2018View
1919 19Surveyor's Plat302/07/2018View
2020 20Zoning Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #22202/07/2018View
2121 21Letter of Authorization102/07/2018View
2222 22Revised Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #42202/09/2018View
2323 23Copy of Filing Fee Check102/12/2018View
2424 24BZA Referral & Notice of Public Hearing to ANC 5E202/21/2018View
2525 25BZA Referral & Notice of Public Hearing to ANCSMD 5E04202/21/2018View
2626 26BZA Referral to OANC102/21/2018View
2727 27BZA Referral to OP102/21/2018View
2828 28BZA Referral to DDOT102/21/2018View
2929 29BZA Referral & Notice of Public Hearing to Council of the District of Columbia, Ward 5202/21/2018View
3030 30BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large - ( Elissa Silverman)102/21/2018View
3131 31BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large - ( David Grosso)102/21/2018View
3232 32BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large - ( Anita Bonds)102/21/2018View
3333 33BZA Referral to Councilmember, At-Large - ( Robert White, Jr.)102/21/2018View
3434 34BZA Referral to Chairman of the Council - ( Phil Mendelson)102/21/2018View
3535 35BZA Notice of Public Hearing to Property Owner within 200 feet.302/21/2018View
3636 36BZA Notice of Public Hearing to Applicant - ( Emily Vaias, Esq.)202/21/2018View
3737 37Returned PHN202/27/2018View
3838 38Updated Expert Witness List and Resumes803/05/2018View
3939 39Attestation of Notices103/07/2018View
4040 40Returned PHNs303/14/2018View
4141 41Returned PHN203/14/2018View
4242 42Revised Zoning Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #51203/21/2018View
4343 43Supplemental Statement of Notification Efforts203/21/2018View
4444A144A1Revised Architectural Plans and Elevations (Part 1) - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #802003/21/2018View
4544A244A2Revised Architectural Plans and Elevations (Part 2) - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #802003/21/2018View
4645 45Supplemental and Revised Statement of the Applicant - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #661303/21/2018View
4746 46Certificate of Service103/21/2018View
4847 47Affidavit of Posting403/26/2018View
4948 48DDOT Report403/29/2018View
5049 49Returned PHN204/02/2018View
5150 50Amended Application Form 120104/03/2018View
5251 51Amended Self Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #60204/03/2018View
5352 52Amended BZA Fee Calculator Form104/03/2018View
5453 53Supplemental Certification of Notification Efforts304/03/2018View
5554 54Additional Statement of the Applicant for Variance Relief804/03/2018View
5655 55Motion to Waive Notice and Posting Requirements for Variance Relief504/03/2018View
5756 56Certificate of Service104/03/2018View
5857 57Copy of Filing Fee Check104/04/2018View
5958 58OP Report904/05/2018View
6059 59Affidavit of Maintenance404/09/2018View
6160 60Amended Self-Certification - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #65204/09/2018View
6261 61Motion to Amend Application604/09/2018View
6362 62Certificate of Service for Amended Self-Certification and Motion to Amend Application104/09/2018View
6463 63Witness Cards104/11/2018View
6564 64OP Supplemental Report204/26/2018View
6665 65Amended Self-Certification Form - SUPERSEDED - SEE EXHIBIT #82205/04/2018View
6766 66Amended Supplemental and Revised Statement1105/04/2018View
6867 67Shadow Study905/04/2018View
6968 68Sight Line Study305/04/2018View
7069 69Stair Relocation Drawings405/04/2018View
7170 70Certificate of Service105/04/2018View
7271 71Variance Analysis305/04/2018View
7372 72Loading Schematic105/04/2018View
7473 73Certificate of Service105/04/2018View
7574 74Affidavit of Posting and Maintenance605/08/2018View
7675 75Letter in Support from Eckington Civic Association105/08/2018View
7776 76ANC 5E Report105/08/2018View
7877 77Revised Penthouse Plan Submitted by Applicant105/09/2018View
7978 78Witness Cards105/09/2018View
8079 79Statement of Relief Requested105/22/2018View
8180 80Revised Architectural Plans and Elevations1605/22/2018View
8281 81Revised GAR Composite Sketch and Score Sheet205/22/2018View
8382 82Revised Zoning Self-Certification205/22/2018View
8483 83Certificate of Service105/22/2018View
8584 84Zoning Administrator Verification of Side Setback205/29/2018View
8685 85Summary Order405/31/2018View
8786 86Attestation105/31/2018View