
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Cvr. Ltr. for Design Review Application - Forest City SEFC, LLC303/18/2019View
21A1AReceipt for Filing Fee103/18/2019View
32 2Statement in Support for Design Review Application - The Yards - Parcel E4 (Square 883)1303/18/2019View
42A2ASIS: Tab A (Application Form - 107 Design Review)103/18/2019View
52B2BSIS: Tab B (Hearing Fee Calculator - Form 116)303/18/2019View
62C2CSIS: Tab C ( Letter of Authorization from Forest City SEFC)103/18/2019View
72D2DSIS: Tab D (Certificate of Notice)203/18/2019View
82E2ESIS: Tab E (Certificate of Compliance)303/18/2019View
92F2FSIS: Tab F (List of Property Owners within 200 feet)103/18/2019View
102G2GSIS: Tab G (Zoning Map)103/18/2019View
112H2HSIS: Tab H (Summary of Development of The Yards)203/18/2019View
122I2ISIS: Tab I (ZC Order No. 13-16)703/18/2019View
132J12J1SIS: Tab J (Plans and Drawings - Part 1)403/18/2019View
142J22J2SIS: Tab J (Plans and Drawings - Part 2)103/18/2019View
152J32J3SIS: Tab J (Plans and Drawings - Part 3)703/18/2019View
163 3Referral to NCPC103/28/2019View
174 4Proof of Publication of PHN in DC Register103/28/2019View
185 5Notice of Public Hearing303/28/2019View
196 6Attestation: PHN603/28/2019View
207 7Cvr. Ltr. Re: CTR 304/12/2019View
217A7ACTR - Memo 404/12/2019View
228 8Affidavit of Posting204/12/2019View
239 9NCPC Report405/02/2019View
2410 10Applicant's Supplemental Statement505/03/2019View
2510A10ASS: Tab A (Proposed Design Flexibility)105/03/2019View
2610B10BSS: Tab B (Resumes and Testimony)805/03/2019View
2710C10CSS: Tab C (Plans and Drawings, Parcel E)1405/03/2019View
2811 11DDOT Report105/10/2019View
2912 12 OP Report1205/13/2019View
3013 13ANC 6D Report105/16/2019View
3114 14Affidavit of Maintenance405/20/2019View
3215 15Cvr Ltr from Applicant - PowerPoint Presentation305/23/2019View
3315A15AApplicant's PowerPoint Presentation1405/23/2019View
3416 16Email Communication with US Navy105/23/2019View
3517 17Witness Cards105/23/2019View
3618 18ANC 8D Resolution305/28/2019View
3719 19Applicant's Draft Order147/12/2019View
3820 20Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Request to Reopen the Record28/8/2019View
3920A20ARequest to Reopen the Record (Approved)18/8/2019View
4021 21Architectural Plans148/9/2019View
4122 22Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register108/20/2019View
4223 23Z.C. Order No. 19-071608/20/2019View
4324 24Attestation: Order No. 19-07108/21/2019View