
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form105/14/2014View
22 2Fee Calculator Form105/14/2014View
33 3Signed Form 120 105/14/2014View
44 4Form 135 - Zoning Self-Certification 505/14/2014View
55 5Form 126 Fee Calculator105/14/2014View
66 6Surveyor’s Plat 205/14/2014View
77 7Statement of Existing and Intended Uses105/14/2014View
88 8Statement of Compliance - Burden of Proof905/14/2014View
99 9Photographs205/14/2014View
1010 10Part 1 of 13 - Plans205/14/2014View
1111 11Part 2 of 13 - Plans105/14/2014View
1212 12Part 3 of 13 - Plans105/14/2014View
1313 13Part 4 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
1414 14Part 5 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
1515 15Part 6 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
1616 16Part 7 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
1717 17Part 8 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
1818 18Part 9 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
1919 19Part 10 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
2020 20Part 11 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
2121 21Part 12 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
2222 22Part 13 of 13 - Plans405/14/2014View
2323 23List of names and mailing addresses of the owners within 200 feet 805/14/2014View
2424 24Letter of Authorization 105/14/2014View
2525 25Cover Letter 205/14/2014View
2626 26Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 5C)105/14/2014View
2727 27Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to Single Member District - ANC 5C03 105/14/2014View
2828 28Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to Office of Planning (OP)105/14/2014View
2929 29Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to District Department of Transportation (DDOT)105/14/2014View
3030 30Board of Zoning Adjustment Referral to City Council Member Ward 5105/14/2014View
3131 31Filing Fee (Check)105/15/2014View
3232 32Board of Zoning Adjustment Notice of Hearing to ANC 5C105/20/2014View
3333 33Board of Zoning Adjustment Notice of Hearing to Property Owners within 200 feet.105/20/2014View
3434 34Board of Zoning Adjustment Notice of Hearing to Applicant - (Leila Batties, Esq.)205/20/2014View
3535 35Returned PHN206/09/2014View
3636 36Affidavit of Posting707/01/2014View
3737 37Applicant's Cover Letter 107/08/2014View
3838 38Prehearing Statement1807/08/2014View
3938A138A1Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 1 of 10207/08/2014View
4038A238A2Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 2 of 10207/08/2014View
4138A338A3Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 3 of 10107/08/2014View
4238A438A4Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 4 of 10107/08/2014View
4338A538A5Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 5 of 10407/08/2014View
4438A638A6Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 6 of 101007/08/2014View
4538A738A7Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 7 of 101007/08/2014View
4638A838A8Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 8 of 101007/08/2014View
4738A938A9Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 9 of 10707/08/2014View
4838A1038A10Prehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural/Engineering Drawings) Part 10 of 10107/08/2014View
4938B38BPrehearing Statement: Tab B (Traffic Impact Analysis (3-26-14) Wells and Associates)5207/08/2014View
5039 39Attestation105/22/2014View
5140 40Cover Letter from Applicant with Enclosing Prehearing Statement1907/09/2014View
5240A40APrehearing Statement: Tab A (Revised Architectural Plans/Engineering Drawings)4807/09/2014View
5340B40BPrehearing Statement: Tab B (Traffic Study by Wells & Associates)5207/09/2014View
5441 41 Office of Planning Report807/15/2014View
5542 42DDOT Report207/15/2014View
5643 43Applicant's Request to Defer Public Hearing 107/16/2014View
5744 44Letter in Support from Jacqueline Manning and Robert King807/17/2014View
5845 45Comments from Kenneth Dauer107/20/2014View
5946 46Affidavit of Maintenance107/21/2014View
6047 47Cover Letter from Applicant207/23/2014View
6148A48AArchitectural Plans and Elevations (Part 1 of 7)407/23/2014View
6248B48BArchitectural Plans and Elevations (Part 2 of 7)107/23/2014View
6348C48CArchitectural Plans and Elevations (Part 3 of 7)207/23/2014View
6448D48DArchitectural Plans and Elevations (Part 4 of 7)1307/23/2014View
6548E48EArchitectural Plans and Elevations (Part 5 of 7)1507/23/2014View
6648F48FArchitectural Plans and Elevations (Part 6 of 7)1407/23/2014View
6748G48GArchitectural Plans and Elevations (Part 7 of 7)207/23/2014View
6849 49Loading Management Plan107/23/2014View
6950 50Covenant & Revised Site Plan Submitted by Applicant507/29/2014View
7051 51Witness Cards107/29/2014View
7152 52Summary Order408/08/2014View
7253 53Attestation Letter from Sara A. Bardin108/08/2014View