
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Application for Map Amendmnent306/12/2018View
22 2Statement in Support to Application for Map Amendment 2006/12/2018View
32A12A1SIS: Tab A1 (Application Form 101)206/12/2018View
42A22A2SIS: Tab A2 (Ltr. of Authorization)306/12/2018View
52B2BSIS: Tab B (Zoning Map)106/12/2018View
62C2CSIS: Tab C (Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map)106/12/2018View
72D2DSIS: Tab D (Certificate of Notice and Notice of Intent)206/12/2018View
82E2ESIS: Tab E (Certificate of Compliance)106/12/2018View
92F2FSIS: Tab F (List of Publicly Available Information)106/12/2018View
102G2GSIS: Tab G(List of Property Owners within 200 feet)306/12/2018View
112H2HSIS: Tab H (Surveyor's Plat)106/13/2018View
122I12I1SIS: Tab I (Photo - No. 1)106/12/2018View
132I22I2SIS: Tab I (Photo - No. 2)106/12/2018View
143 3Copy of Filing Fee106/13/2018View
154 4Ltr. of Acceptance to Applicant106/19/2018View
165 5Referral to OP106/19/2018View
176 6Referral to Councilmember Evans106/19/2018View
187 7Referral to ANC 2A and SMD 2A06706/19/2018View
198 8NOF to DC Register106/19/2018View
209 9Attestation: NOF206/19/2018View
2110 10OP Setdown Report907/20/2018View
2211 11Setdown Ltr. to Applicant108/01/2018View
2312 12Request for Public Hearing and Certificate of Service308/14/2018View
2412A12APHS: Tab A (Hearing Fee Calculator Form)208/14/2018View
2512B12BPHS: Tab B ( Outline of Testimony and Resumes)208/14/2018View
2612C12CPHS: Tab C (Certificate of Compliance)108/14/2018View
2713 13Notice of Public Hearing308/20/2018View
2814 14PHN to DC Register108/20/2018View
2915 15Attestation - PHN308/21/2018View
3016 16Receipt for Hearing Fee108/27/2018View
3117 171 Returned PHN208/27/2018View
3218 182 Returned PHNs308/31/2018View
3319 192 Returned PHNs309/07/2018View
3420 20Affidavit of Posting209/12/2018View
3521 21Applicant's Supplemental Statement310/05/2018View
3622 22DDOT Report510/15/2018View
3723 23OP Hearing Report710/15/2018View
3824 24Affidavit of Maintenance110/22/2018View
3925 25ANC 2A Report110/24/2018View
4026 26Testimony of Ellen McCarthy610/25/2018View
4127 27Witness Cards110/25/2018View
4228 28Referral to NCPC110/29/2018View
4329 29Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Draft Order211/01/2018View
4429A29ADraft Order311/01/2018View
4530 30NCPC REPORT 312/06/2018View
4631 31Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register102/05/2019View
4732 32Z.C. Order No. 18-08302/06/2019View
4833 33Attestation: Order No. 18-08102/06/2019View