
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Cvr. Ltr. - Modification of Consequence 708/10/2018View
21A1ATab A: Application Form 105208/10/2018View
31B1BTab B: Copy of Order No. 17-052508/10/2018View
41C11C1Tab C: Architectural Plans - Part 11708/10/2018View
51C21C2Tab C: Architectural Plans - Part 21108/10/2018View
61C31C3Tab C: Architectural Plans - Part 3108/10/2018View
72 2OP Referral108/13/2018View
83 3Receipt for Filing Fee108/10/2018View
94 4OP Report309/06/2018View
105 5Applicant's Response to OP and ANC309/11/2018View
116 6ANC 6D Report209/17/2018View
127 7Applicant's Response to DOEE and ANC Reports310/09/2018View
137A7AResponse to DOEE and ANC Reports: Tab A (Email)210/09/2018View
147B7BResponse to DOEE and ANC Reports: Tab B (Page 7 of Code Modification Approval)1210/09/2018View
158 8Proof of Publication of ZC Order in D.C. Register 110/31/2018View
169 9Z.C. Order No. 17-05A510/31/2018View
1710 10Attestation: Order No. 17-05A110/31/2018View