
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form110/18/2016View
22 2Fee Calculator Form110/18/2016View
33 3BZA Order No. 16334 April 15,1998310/18/2016View
44 4BBI Request for Amendment BZA Order 16334410/18/2016View
55 5Copy of Filing Fee Check110/26/2016View
66 6OP Report511/04/2016View
77 7Witness Cards111/16/2016View
88 8Request to Postpone Decision112/19/2016View
99 9Second Request to Postpone Decision102/14/2017View
1010 10Confirmation of Second Request to Postpone Decision 102/15/2017View
1111 11Third Request to Postpone Decision303/08/2017View
1212 12Fourth Request to Postpone Decision305/25/2017View
1313 13Letter of Justification for Request for Amendment for BZA Order 16334607/21/2017View
1413A-C13A-CLetter of Justification: Tab A - C (Exhibits)907/21/2017View
1514 14OP Supplemental Report509/01/2017View
1615 15DDOT Report309/01/2017View
1716 16ANC 6E Report209/11/2017View
1817 17Report from Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)109/12/2017View
1918 18Witness Cards109/13/2017View
2019 19Summary Order on Request for Modification of Consequence609/22/2017View
2120 20Attestation109/22/2017View