
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application for Campus Plan19/3/2024View
22 2Cover Letter from Applicant39/3/2024View
33 3Applicant's Statement in Support129/3/2024View
43A3ASIS: Tab A (Application Signature Page)19/3/2024View
53B3BSIS: Tab B (Authorization Letter)19/3/2024View
63C3CSIS: Tab C (Surveyor Plats)69/3/2024View
73D3DSIS: Tab D (Notice of Intent and Certificate of Notice)59/3/2024View
83E3ESIS: Tab E (Owners within 200 feet of the Property)229/3/2024View
93F3FSIS: Tab F (Copy of Prior Order - ZC 16-18)189/3/2024View
103G3GSIS: Tab G (Capitol Campus and Car Barn Proposed Conditions)49/3/2024View
113H3HSIS: Tab H (Hilltop Campus Comprehensive Updated Conditions)189/3/2024View
123I3ISIS: Tab I (Updated Campus Plan Map)19/3/2024View
133J3JSIS: Tab J (Updated Campus Plan Exhibits: Development Program Summary and Proposed Twenty-Year Development Land Uses)29/3/2024View
143K3KSIS: Tab K (FAR Report)19/3/2024View
153L3LSIS: Tab L (Analysis of Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan)139/3/2024View
164 4GU Full Campus Lessee List19/12/2024View
175 5Receipt.pdf109/05/2024View
186 6Proof of publication of PHN in D.C. Register109/23/2024View
197 7Notice of Public Hearing409/23/2024View
208 8Attestation: PHN1410/01/2024View
219 9ANC 2E Report110/02/2024View
2210 10ANC 3D Report110/10/2024View
2311 11Affidavit of Posting410/15/2024View
2412 12Returned PHNs 10/15/2024View