
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form 105 - Modification of Consequence 19/5/2019View
21A1AApplication Form Signature Page19/5/2019View
31B1BReceipt for Filing Fee109/05/2019View
42 2Statement in Support59/5/2019View
52A2ASIS: Tab A (Authorization Ltr.)19/5/2019View
62B2BSIS: Tab B (ZC Order 16-18)189/5/2019View
72C2CSIS: Tab C (Existing Campus Land Uses)19/5/2019View
82D2DSIS: Tab D (Proposed Land Uses)29/5/2019View
92E2ESIS: Tab E ( Memorandum of Approval - Georgetown Community Partnership)19/5/2019View
103 3Referral to OP109/05/2019View
114 4OP Report29/12/2019View
125 5Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register108/21/2020View
136 6Z.C. Order No. 16-18C508/21/2020View
147 7Attestation: Order No. 16-18C108/24/2020View