
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application for Modification of Consequence11/28/2020View
21A1AReceipt for Filing Fee101/28/2020View
32 2Applicant's Statement in Support51/28/2020View
42A2ASIS: Tab A (Signature Form)11/28/2020View
52B2BSIS: Tab B (Authorization Ltr.)11/28/2020View
62C2CSIS: Tab C (Copy of ZC Order 15-27)661/28/2020View
72D2DSIS: Tab D (Approved First-Stage Loading Plan)11/28/2020View
82E2ESIS: Tab E (Approved Second-Stage Ground-Floor Plan)21/28/2020View
92F2FSIS: Tab F (Proposed Ground-Floor Plans)21/28/2020View
102G2GSIS: Tab G (Loading Memo)31/28/2020View
112H2HSIS: Tab H (Resolution in Support of ANC 5D)11/28/2020View
123 3Referral to OP101/30/2020View
134 4Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Request for Expedited Review502/11/2020View
145 5OP Report202/14/2020View
156 6Additional Statement in Support302/24/2020View
166A6ASIS: Tab A (Correspondence with DDOT)402/24/2020View
176B6BSIS: Tab B (Excerpt of Loading Easement Agreement)1902/24/2020View
187 7Applicant's Draft Order503/04/2020View
198 8Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register108/21/2020View
209 9Attestation: Order No. 15-27F108/24/2020View
2110 10Z.C. Order No. 15-27F608/21/2020View