
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Applicant's Cvr. Ltr. for Application for 2nd-Stage PUD and Modification of Significance to Consolidated PUD306/26/2017View
22 2Applicant's Statement in Support6906/26/2017View
32A2ASIS: Tab A (Application Form 103 - Second Stage PUD and Modification of Consequence)106/26/2017View
42B2BSIS: Tab B (Letter of Authorization from EDENS)106/26/2017View
52C2CSIS: Tab C (Notice of Intent)306/26/2017View
62D2DSIS: Tab D (Certificate of Compliance)306/26/2017View
72E2ESIS: Tab E (List of Property Owners within 200 feet)306/26/2017View
82F2FSIS: Tab F (Copy of Z.C. Order No. 14-12)2806/26/2017View
92H2HSIS: Tab H - Maps606/26/2017View
102I12I1SIS: Tab I (Plans and Drawings - part 1)3006/26/2017View
112I22I2SIS: Tab I (Plans and Drawings - part 2)1506/26/2017View
122I32I3SIS: Tab I (Plans and Drawings - part 3)1606/26/2017View
132I42I4SIS: Tab I (Plans and Drawings - part 4)906/26/2017View
142I52I5SIS: Tab I (Plans and Drawings - part 5)306/26/2017View
152I62I6SIS: Tab I (Plans and Drawings - part 6)306/26/2017View
163 3Ltr. of Acceptance to Applicant106/29/2017View
174 4Referral to OP106/29/2017View
185 5Referral to Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie106/29/2017View
196 6Referral to ANC 5D and 5D01706/30/2017View
207 7NOF to DC Register106/30/2017View
218 8Attestation: NOF206/30/2017View
229 9Copy of Filing Fee106/27/2017View
2310 10 Applicant's Motion to Withdraw Case (WITHDRAWN)408/23/2018View