
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Cvr Ltr. and Statement in Support for PUD Minor Modification Application608/19/2016View
21A1ASS: Tab A (Copy of ZC Order No. 12-18)2908/19/2016View
31B1BSS: Tab B (Surveyors Plat)108/19/2016View
41C1CSS: Tab C (Portion of the Zoning Map)108/19/2016View
51D1DSS: Tab D (Copy of ZC Order No. 12-18A)408/19/2016View
61E1ESS: Tab E (Plan Sheet for Retail Height)108/19/2016View
71F1FSS: Tab F (Plan Sheet for Ground Floor Utilities)108/19/2016View
81G1GSS: Tab G (Plan Sheet for Garage Level Obstructions)108/19/2016View
91H1HSS: Tab H (ANC 6C Letter)108/19/2016View
102 2Minor Modification Application Form108/24/2016View
113 3Referral to OP108/24/2016View
124 4Copy of Filing Fee108/23/2016View
135 5OP Report208/26/2016View
146 6Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register110/12/2016View
157 7Z.C. Order No. 12-18B410/21/2016View
168 8Attestation: ZC Order No. 12-18B110/20/2016View