
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Modification of Consequence - Statement in Support79/5/2019View
21A1ASIS: Tab A (Plans and Drawings)98/29/2019View
31B1BSIS: Tab B (ZC Order 06-46B)218/29/2019View
41C1CSIS: Tab (ZC Order 06 46C)58/29/2019View
51D1DSIS: Tab D (ZC Order 06-46D) 78/29/2019View
61E1ESIS: Tab E (Ballpark Designated Entertainment Area Signage Bill)138/29/2019View
71F1F1SIS: Tab F (Application Form (No. 105) - part 1)18/29/2019View
81F1F2SIS: Tab F (Application Form (Signature Page) - part 2)18/29/2019View
91F1F3Receipt for Filing Fee108/30/2019View
101G1GSIS : Tab G (Ltr. of Authorization)18/29/2019View
112 2Receipt for Filing Fee108/30/2019View
123 3Referral to OP109/5/2019View
134 4ANC 6D Report29/9/2019View
145 5OP Report39/13/2019View
156 6Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register110/17/2019View
167 7Z.C. Order No. 06-46E510/17/2019View
178 8Attestation: Order No. 06-46E110/24/2019View
189 9ZA Determination Ltr.205/01/2020View