
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form 150 - Mod. of Consequence15/18/2020View
21A1AReceipt for Filing Fee105/27/2020View
32 2Cvr. Ltr. and Statement in Support105/18/2020View
42A2A1SIS: Tab A1 (Application Form 100 - Signature Page) 15/18/2020View
52A2A2SIS: Tab A2 (Signed Application Form 105) 15/18/2020View
62B2BSIS: Tab B (Ltr. of Authorization)15/18/2020View
72C2C1SIS: Tab C1 (ZC Order No 05-28)205/18/2020View
82C2C2SIS: Tab C2 (ZC Order No 05-28R and 05-28S))625/18/2020View
92D2DSIS: Tab D (Transportation Statement)35/18/2020View
102E2E1SIS: Tab E (Architectural Drawings - Part 1)315/18/2020View
112E2E2SIS: Tab E (Architectural Drawings - Part 2)225/18/2020View
122E2E3SIS: Tab E (Architectural Plans - Part 3)175/18/2020View
132E2E4SIS: Tab E Architectural Drawings - Part 4)105/18/2020View
142E2E5SIS: Tab E (Architectural Plans - Part 5)145/18/2020View
153 3Referral to OP105/20/2020View
164 4OP Report505/28/2020View
175 5Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Additional Public Benefits and Sheet A0.00646/22/2020View
185A5ACvr. Ltr. from Applicant: Tab A (Conditions for Additional Public Benefits)76/22/2020View
195B5BCvr. Ltr. from Applicant: Tab B (Sheet A0.006)16/22/2020View
206 6Applicant's Second Supplemental Statement36/26/2020View
216A6ASS: Tab A (Photos of Green Screen)56/26/2020View
226B6BSS: Tab B (Revised Conditions)36/26/2020View
237 7Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register108/25/2020View
248 8Z.C. Order No. 05-28Y908/25/2020View
259 9Attestation: Order No. 05-28Y109/04/2020View