
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form13/22/2023View
21A1ASIS: Tab A (Form 100 - Application Signature Page)13/22/2023View
32 2Applicant's Statement in Support of a Time Extension83/22/2023View
42A2A1SIS: Tab A1 (Parkside PUD Summary Plan)23/22/2023View
52A2A2SIS: Tab A2 (Parkside PUD Summary Table)23/22/2023View
62A2A3SIS: Tab A3 (Parkside PUD Public Benefits Table)13/22/2023View
72B2BSIS: Tab B (Current Photos)53/22/2023View
82C2CSIS: Tab C (Authorization Letter)13/22/2023View
92D2DSIS: Tab D (Copy of Prior Orders Z.C. 05-28)793/22/2023View
103 3Filing Fee Receipt13/23/2023View
114 4Referral to OP103/28/2023View
125 5OP Report34/24/2023View
136 6Cvr. Ltr. from Applicant - Draft Order27/7/2023View
146A6ADraft Order67/7/2023View
157 7Proof of Publication of Order in the D.C. Register110/05/2023View
168 8Z.C. Order No. 05-28AE610/05/2023View
179 9Attestation: Z.C. Order No. 05-28AE110/12/2023View