
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1 Statement in Support for a PUD Time Extension Application512/18/2018View
21A1ASIS: Tab A (Authorization Letter)112/18/2018View
31B1BSIS: Tab B (Copies of Prior Orders)1412/18/2018View
41C1CSIS: Tab C (Development Map)112/18/2018View
51D1DSIS: Tab D ( Letters of Support from ANCs 6B and 6D)612/18/2018View
62 2Certificate of Service112/18/2018View
73 3Application Form - PUD Extension112/18/2018View
84 4Authorization Letter - Dec 19 2018112/19/2018View
95 5Referral to OP112/21/2018View
106 6OP Report501/17/2019View
117 7Applicant's Response to OP401/25/2019View
128 8Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register108/20/2019View
139 9Z.C. Order No. 03-12X/03-13X508/20/2019View
1410 10Attestation: Order No. 03-12X/03-13X108/21/2019View