
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Applic. fr. R. Nettler for Requested Map Amend. in Square 3691702/09/2000View
22 2Zoning Map of Area Around Sq. 369102/09/2000View
33 3Copy of Check for Filing Fee $250.00102/09/2000View
44 4OP Referral Memo for Further Processing of Case102/15/2000View
55 5Notice of Filing (NOF)102/15/2000View
66 6Ltr. of Cert. to Richard B. Nettler202/16/2000View
77 7Ltr. to ANC 2F Chair w/Notice of Filing (Not Included Here)202/16/2000View
88 8Memo to DC Pub. Lib. for Distribution of NOF 102/16/2000View
99 9Ltr. to ANC 2C Chair (w/NOF - Not Included Here)202/17/2000View
1010 10Memo to DCR for Publication of NOF202/17/2000View
1111 11Ltr. to Councilmember Jack Evans (Ward 2) Informing him of the Filing of this Applic.203/23/2000View
1212 12Ltr. from Richard B. Nettler Re: Request for Map Amendment201/22/2001View
1313 13Ltr. from Shaw Pittman Re: Review of Zoning Commission Case Files709/20/2002View