
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Cvr. Ltr. and Statement in Support to Request for PUD Modification of Consequence705/04/2018View
21A1ASIS: Tab A (Application Form 105)105/04/2018View
31B1BSIS: Tab B (Authorization Ltrs.)205/04/2018View
41C1CSIS: Tab C (Copy of Order 245)805/04/2018View
51D1DSIS: Tab D (Copy of Order 318)1105/04/2018View
61E11E1SIS: Tab E (Approved Architectural Drawings - part 1)3005/04/2018View
71E21E2SIS: Tab E (Approved Architectural Drawings - part 2)805/04/2018View
81F11F1SIS: Tab F (Proposed Architectural Drawings - part 1)1905/04/2018View
91F21F2SIS: Tab F (Proposed Architectural Drawings - part 2)305/04/2018View
101G1GSIS: Tab G (ANC/SMD 3F01 Ltr. in Support)105/04/2018View
111H1HSIS: Tab H (Forest Hills Ltr. in Support)105/04/2018View
121I1ISIS: Tab I (Van Ness Main Street Ltr. in Support)105/04/2018View
132 2Copy of Filing Fee105/07/2018View
143 3Referral to OP105/07/2018View
154 4OP Report706/01/2018View
165 5Cvr. Ltr. to Minor Update of Drawings from Applicant 306/20/2018View
175A5ATab A (Update to Drawings of Kiss and Ride Level)206/20/2018View
186 6ANC 3F Resolution206/21/2018View
197 7OP Supplemental Report207/02/2018View
208 8Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register110/03/2018View
219 9Z.C. Order No. 79-19A810/03/2018View
2210 10Attestation: Order No. 79-19A110/03/2018View