
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application for Zoning Text Amendment112/2/2021View
22 2Petitioner's Cvr. Ltr. and statement of support212/2/2021View
33 3Petitioner's statement of purpose and proposed text812/2/2021View
44 4Acceptance Letter112/07/2021View
55 5Notice of Filing112/07/2021View
66 6Attestation - NOF212/07/2021View
77 7NOF to Register112/07/2021View
88 8OP Recommendation on Emergency Action Request11/4/2022View
99 9Testimony from Committee of 100 on the Federal City31/12/2022View
1010 10OAG Supplemental Statement41/12/2022View
1111 11OP Report14/18/2022View
1211A11ASupplemental Memo from OP205/12/2022View
1312 12OP Report on Roundtable Concepts25/12/2022View
1413 13OP Set Down Report253/20/2023View
1514 14Letter from Shelly Repp, Committee of 100 on the Federal City203/29/2023View
1615 15OAG Response to OP Setdown Report93/29/2023View
1716 16Corrected OAG Response to OP Setdown Report103/29/2023View
1817 17Ltr. from Councilmember Zachary Parker, Ward 5 - Support of Set Down203/30/2023View
1918 18Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register109/11/2023View
2019 19Z.C. Order No. 21-23709/11/2023View
2120 20Attestation: Order No. 21-23109/25/2023View