
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form - Text Amendment11/19/2021View
22 2OP Set Down and Prehearing Report 221/19/2021View
33 3OP Set Down Presentation131/28/2021View
44 4Proof of Publication of PHN in D.C. Register102/17/2021View
55 5Notice of Public Hearing1002/17/2021View
66 6Attestation: PHN102/18/2021View
77 7Comments from Rev. R. Fitzgerald Carter, Bethel Pentcostal Tabernacle Assemblies of God303/02/2021View
88 8OP Hearing Report114/19/2021View
99 9Ltr. in Support - CSG24/22/2021View
1010 10Comments from Peter Armstrong104/26/2021View
1111 11Testimony from Historic Anacostia Preservation Society404/26/2021View
1212 12Comments from DCBIA704/26/2021View
1313 13Comments from The Committee of 100 on the Federal City204/26/2021View
1414 14PowerPoint Presentation from OP144/26/2021View
1515 15Witness List104/26/2021View
1616 16OP Supplemental Report155/17/2021View
1717 17Referral to NCPC105/27/2021View
1818 18OP Supplemental Report #2156/17/2021View
1919 19NCPC Report 07/02/2021View
2020 20Proof of Publication of Proposed Rulemaking in D.C. Register107/19/2021View
2121 21Notice of Proposed Rulemaking1407/19/2021View
2222 22Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register112/13/2021View
2323 23Z.C. Order No. 21-021512/13/2021View
2424 24Attestation: Z.C. Order No. 21-02112/13/2021View