
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application Form112/24/2019View
22 2Statement of Appeal1312/24/2019View
32A2AStatement of Appeal: Tab A (A & T Plat)212/24/2019View
42B2BStatement of Appeal: Tab B (DCRA Ltr. Nov. 13,2018)712/24/2019View
52B2B1Statement of Appeal (Tab A of Exhibit B)212/24/2019View
62B2B2Statement of Appeal (Tab B of Exhibit B)212/24/2019View
72B2B3Statement of Appeal (Tab C of Exhibit B)212/24/2019View
82B2B4Statement of Appeal (Tab D of Exhibit B)312/24/2019View
92C2CStatement of Appeal: Tab C (BZA Order No. 17309)1512/24/2019View
102D2DStatement of Appeal: Tab D (Preservation Letter)312/24/2019View
113 3Cover Letter212/24/2019View
124 4Letter of Authorization112/24/2019View
135 5Signed Form 125 Appeal112/24/2019View
146 6Property Owner's Cover Letter, Agent Authorization and Certificate of Service31/10/2020View
157 7BZA Referral/PHN to ANC 3D201/30/2020View
168 8BZA Referral/PHN to ANCSMD 3D05201/30/2020View
179 9BZA Referral to OANC101/30/2020View
1810 10BZA Referral to OP101/30/2020View
1911 11BZA Referral to DCRA201/30/2020View
2012 12BZA Referral/PHN to Council of the District of Columbia, Ward 3201/30/2020View
Showing 1 to 20 of 57 entries