
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Application for Modification of Consequence112/21/2021View
21A1AForm 100 - Application Signature Page112/21/2021View
32 2Ltr. of Authorization112/21/2021View
43 3Applicant Statement in Support612/21/2021View
54 4Copy of Prior order, ZC Order 20-342712/21/2021View
65 5Referral to OP112/22/2021View
76 6Receipt of filing fee112/23/2021View
87 7OP Report51/5/2022View
98 8Applicant Supplemental Statement41/19/2022View
108A8ASS: Tab A (IZ Units)21/19/2022View
118B8BSS: Tab B (EQ Prerequisite: Compartmentalization)11/19/2022View
128C8CSS: Tab C (Blower Door Test)111/19/2022View
139 9Proof of Publication of Order in D.C. Register103/28/2022View
1410 10Z.C. Order No. 20-34A603/28/2022View
1511 11Attestation: Order No. 20-34A103/29/2022View
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries