
row_num#Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit #Exhibit DescriptionNumber of PagesExhibit DateAction
11 1Map Amendment Petition - CQ Metro Land, LLC (Form 101)19/8/2020View
21A1AReceipt for Filing Fee109/10/2020View
32 2Cvr. Ltr. to Map Amendment Petition29/8/2020View
43 3Petitioner's Statement in Support129/8/2020View
53A3ASIS: Tab A (Petition Signature Page - Form 100)19/8/2020View
63B3BSIS: Tab B (Authorization Letters)29/8/2020View
73C3CSIS: Tab C (Certificate of Notice)29/8/2020View
83D3DSIS: Tab D (List of Property Owners w/in 200 feet)19/8/2020View
93E3ESIS: Tab E (Zone Map)19/8/2020View
103F3FSIS: Tab F (Future Land Use Map)19/8/2020View
113G3GSIS: Tab G (Central Employment Area Map)19/8/2020View
123H3HSIS: Tab H (Compliance with Regulations)19/8/2020View
133I3ISIS: Tab I (Publicly Available Information)19/8/2020View
143J3JSIS: Tab J (Surveyor's Plat)19/8/2020View
154 4Ltr. of Acceptance to Petitioner109/16/2020View
165 5Referral to OP109/16/2020View
176 6Referral to Councilmember Trayon White, Sr.109/16/2020View
187 7Referral to ANC 8A and 8C709/16/2020View
198 8NOF to DC Register109/16/2020View
209 9Attestation: NOF209/16/2020View
Showing 1 to 20 of 63 entries